Chapter 11

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Upon entering the house, Hannah discovered an obviously peeved Asgardian god seated on the armchair in the living room, a book of battle strategy in his hand. Choosing to keep her mouth shut rather than pry, she made her way through the room as unobtrusively as possible, her destination being the kitchen where she could hear someone already moving about.

"What's up with Loki?"

"Oh. I blue-balled him, day before yesterday."

"...You WHAT?!"

Nyneve winced slightly at her friend's whispered shout in her ear. "Blue-balled him," she repeated, grabbing lunch meat from the fridge.

Hannah just stared at her in disbelief as Nyneve continued to make sandwiches. "I'm both proud and appalled." She watched her friend for a moment, noting how she seemed pleased with herself, the end of her braid flicking back and forth as she moved through the kitchen. Nyneve nearly resembled a feline who had won the hunt. "...He's out there reading a book on battle strategy."

"It's good for him to get some variety. Typically he's reading poetry."

"You aren't the least bit concerned he might use it against you?"

"I'd be more worried if he was reading a guide to wooing."

"...I thought that was poetry."

"Nah. That's just one way of doing it."

Hannah facepalmed, sighing. "Then heaven forbid I ever find someone who wants to woo me. Or vice versa." Nyneve laughed, picking up two of the plated sandwiches and leading the way into the living room. Hannah grabbed the last sandwich, following after her friend.

"You do know I have been able to hear everything you two mortals said?"

"Oh, quit pouting," Nyneve said as she casually used a bit of wind to deliver Loki's plate to the coffee table in front of him. "It was payback for not keeping your towel on." She then headed into the library with her own lunch, leaving Hannah alone with him. Loki glared at Nyneve over the top of his book.

Biting her lip to keep from laughing, Hannah settled on the sofa. It looked like today's talk would be a prickly one.

Then a screech came from the library.

"Loki! Not funny!"

Loki just smirked.

Oh my. One moment they are grown-ups. The next... children. Hannah sighed and took a bite of her sandwich. It was definitely going to be an interesting day.


Nyneve walked back into the house just in time to see Loki stomp off up the stairs, his expression thunderous. Frowning in puzzled concern, she closed the front door softly behind her and glanced at Hannah, who had her head in her hands as she sat on the sofa. Nyneve had left to care for the horses and figure out whether she would need to buy feed soon. It seemed that in the half-hour she had been gone, things had gone downhill in the therapy department.

"What happened?"

"I think I fucked up. I mentioned something I shouldn't have. And I don't know what it will cause." Hannah sighed, disappointed in herself and her damned slip of tongue. "He trusts you, at least to some degree. Hopefully you will be able to help. At this point, anything I try will just make things worse."

Nyneve glanced worriedly between Hannah and where Loki had disappeared up the stairs. It didn't surprise her too much that his wounds had been reopened. That was something bound to happen. What concerned her more was how it would affect Loki. He had begun to heal, had come so far...

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