Chapter 10

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This chapter was super fun to write, so I hope you enjoy it! Things are starting to change so let's add a little... spice. *winks*


The brightness of her room awoke Nyneve the next morning. Turning over to bury her face in the pillow, she wondered why it was so damn bright when all she had was one window.

Then her head started throbbing.

While trying to figure out exactly what had occurred after making it through her front door, she realized that one side of her bed smelled like Loki. Frowning, she racked her brain, attempting to remember exactly why that was... and how she had made it to her bed in the first place.

Feeling too warm, she flipped over the covers, slipping out of bed. She wobbled for a moment upon gaining her feet, vision darkening. A hand on the nearby nightstand helped stabilize Nyneve until her body adjusted to being upright. Glancing down, she discovered that she was still in her clothes from yesterday, sans her boots and jacket.

Brow furrowed, she looked around to figure out where they had gone. She discovered her boots on the floor at the foot of her bed and her jacket hanging from one of her bed's corner posts. Shaking her head as much as her hangover would allow, Nyneve decided to leave the mystery for another day and headed for her bathroom. A shower and fresh clothes would at least be a start this morning, though they wouldn't help with this hangover.

Once she was ready, layered up in a comfy sweatshirt over an even softer t-shirt, well-worn jeans, and her hair organized in a neat braid, Nyneve left her room to head downstairs for some breakfast. Loki's room was quiet, so she couldn't tell if he was still in there or elsewhere. In some ways, she didn't really want to know at the current moment. Bad enough that he had probably seen her drunk yesterday. Sighing, Nyneve started down the stairs.

Next thing she knew, her feet went out from under her, leaving Nyneve to go tumbling down the remaining stairs. She came to a stop, splayed out across the bottom step and the floor. Nyneve groaned. Of course, the world just had to add insult to injury.

Can it get worse? She felt like she simply wanted to remain there and close her eyes in an attempt to shut out the world.

Then Loki walked by, pausing to stare down at her.

...and it got worse.

"Oh, dear. Are you dead?"

"Not hardly."

"...I'm going to take it there will be no sparring today. As you seemed content to slumber, I cared for the horses." Nyneve could tell he was holding back his amusement as he loomed over her. When she continued to lay there, Loki went on his merry way to the library, one corner of his mouth quirking up in a smirk.

Nyneve glared at the ceiling, focusing on a specific knot in the boards. She was surprised he had thought to feed the horses. Knowing Loki, he was going to make use of the fact that he had later. Heaving a long-suffering sigh, she got to her feet, cursing the alcohol under her breath. Her head still throbbed, adding to her annoyance. The light from the living room window wasn't helping any. Continuing to curse, she stumbled to the kitchen where it was blessedly darker. Finding that her annoyance gave her a bit more energy, Nyneve grabbed the ingredients she needed to throw together some pancakes.

Of the chocolate chip variety.

Once she had her delicious bounty with its light layer of butter, she carried the full plate and a bottle of chocolate milk with her to the library. As only the second floor had windows, the first floor was left in shadow. This suited Nyneve's hangover just fine, although it protested the trip through the bright living room.

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