Chapter 17

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*Warning: Smut*

This is my first try with something like this, so please be kind. I hope you enjoy it!


She hadn't even regained her breath yet before it was stolen away by Loki's smile at her answer. The next thing she knew, his mouth had rejoined hers. His hands encircled her waist, lifting her up into his arms. Nyneve found herself having to wrap her own around his neck to keep her balance in the new position, her thighs on either side of his hips.

"How I have ached for you," he muttered against her lips.

"Bed?" she gasped out between kisses.

With a growl she felt through every nerve, he re-adjusted her, arms tight around her. He had no intention of letting her go, not even while making his way up the stairs to the second floor. Nyneve was glad the door to her room was already open. Otherwise she might not have had one there anymore.

When they reached the bed, Loki let go, intending for Nyneve to fall unceremoniously upon the soft blue comforter. She, however, had other plans. The moment he let go, Nyneve grabbed a fistful of the front of his shirt, taking him with her onto the bed. The mattress sank beneath their combined weight as he ended up on top of her. Loki began to move to lift some of his weight off Nyneve, but found himself tugged back down. While he was distracted, Nyneve nipped his lower lip, smirking when he looked at her.

He quirked a brow. "Well now. Aren't we feisty."

"Only with you, God of Mischief." She pulled him back down to her for another kiss. Then Nyneve paused for a moment to look at Loki, soft moonlit blue eyes taking in every aspect of his face. A smile graced her lips as she moved her hand from his shirt to his cheek. "You are the first man I have wanted this way." She let out a laughing breath. "So go easy on me," she added, gaze catching on his eyes, darkened with longing for her.

"Don't worry. I intended to take my time to savor you either way."

Oh? Shifting slightly, she brought up her right knee to rest against his groin. His body tensed up and a devilish smirk formed on her lips as she gazed up at him.

"You sure about that?"

With a scorching glare, Loki grasped her leg and moved it to rest against his hip, settling himself so he was pressing against her. Her nerves seemed hyper-aware of him. Nyneve found that she was having a hard time swallowing as she stared into his green eyes.

"You are mine."

His head lowered to hers, tendrils of his black hair brushing her cheeks.

"And I am yours," he growled as he took her lips, branding her with their heat. Her arms came up to wrap around his shoulders, one hand threading through the hair at the back of his head.

Indeed I am.

Nyneve could feel the slight shudder he gave when her hands drifted from his shoulders to the back of his neck. As she brushed her thumbs against the warm skin there, she heard and felt him groan into her mouth.

So, his neck is a sensitive spot, hm? Nyneve decided to store that bit of info away for later use.

Loki pulled back for a moment, meeting her gaze. She could tell by the inquisitive lift of his dark brows that he was checking to make sure this was what she wanted or if she wanted to stop instead. A smile softened the bow of her mouth. How thoughtful he was, even when she could feel how much he longed for her.

Nyneve took one of his hands in hers, placing it over the center of her chest, where her heart beat so strongly in anticipation. She looked up into his green eyes, so expressive. Her right hand remained on his while her left reached up to gently pull his head down so she could kiss him again.

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