Chapter 15

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"I can see something big is on your mind today," Hannah observed. "Let's talk about it." She settled back into her chair. Only a few days had passed since their last meeting, but Hannah had chosen to move up the date of her next visit after the lackluster talk with him last time. Well... Not entirely lackluster. She had gained one interesting tidbit from it. Hannah couldn't help a small smirk to herself.

Since Nyneve was out on a ride, the two had taken over the library for their session and were seated across from each other at the chess table.

Loki looked at her, his expression resigned. "Like Nyneve, you always seem to know things."

"It's part of my job, Loki. And you know I'm doing this pro bono, as a favor to Nyneve. But you were someone who was in desperate need of a friend and someone who would listen without judgment. So unload."

"Nyneve is on my mind."


He gazed down at the chess piece in his hand as he spoke. The queen piece, the dark wood so close to black and yet with a hint of brown. Much like the hair of the woman who had captivated him. "She's warm and she's... she's kind and she's caring... and she's selfless. All the things I wish I could be." He sighed, placing the piece back on the board. "And she's real."

Hannah was quiet for several minutes, realization dawning on her as she listened to his words. "Oh my God," she whispered.

He looked at her, brow furrowed. "What?"

"You're in love with her..."

Loki was quiet for a moment. "Yes... Deeply."

Speechless, Hannah could only stare at him. She'd had the feeling it might end up this way but... To have it confirmed before her eyes...

How will Nyneve react?


Nyneve walked back into the house that evening to find Loki sitting in the library staring at her chess set. Going by the fact that he was alone, Hannah had obviously left. She wondered for a moment why her friend had disappeared without saying goodbye, but then shrugged. She was probably just overthinking it, like she usually did.

Going into the kitchen, she opened her fridge, intending to figure out something for dinner. Noticing a few choice snacks missing, Nyneve made a mental note to make Hannah do the grocery shopping next time. It was bad enough feeding an Asgardian on top of herself. Now she had a hungry mayhem gremlin stealing from her fridge at every opportunity to add to the list.

It's a damn good thing I've got plenty of grocery money. Otherwise I'd be making Hannah pay for her share.

Closing the fridge, she headed out to her storage building where her freezers resided. Looked like she would be pulling something out of there for dinner. Good thing the mayhem gremlin didn't seem too fond of frozen snacks, save for the ice cream.

Meanwhile, Hannah had left Loki with a question before heading back to her home. It was one that he had been pondering ever since, never having moved from his seat next to the chessboard.

"Are you going to ignore your feelings for her or are you going to try and see if the love is mutual?"

The answer continued to elude him. He could pursue her, but to what end? Where would a relationship with a Midgardian get him? Their lives were so short in comparison to his own. Would that small amount of time with her be worth all the pain of her eventual death?

He saw her coming back in through the front door, packages carefully balanced in one hand as she kicked the door shut behind her. As she brushed some hair from her face with her other hand, he suddenly got the feeling that it just might be worth it. If he could gain her for his own, the memories they made might be enough to keep him going once she was gone.

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