Chapter 34 - Vision

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"All right. Are you ready?" Thor asked as he looked at them.

"I am," Loki replied. He turned to Nyneve, who was crouched next to him. "Stay safe."

"You too."

It had been decided that Nyneve would lurk along the edge of their interaction with Malekith, hidden by her invisibility spell. Malekith would know something was up if he were to see her, considering the firm stance she had taken back at the palace. Her presence was better off concealed.

She squeezed his hand one last time before letting go, cloaking herself and disappearing into the landscape. Not even a boot print was left to show her existence.

Thor and Loki rose, moving to the edge of the outcrop and drawing Malekith's attention.

"You know, this plan of yours is going to get us killed," Loki commented as he stood beside his brother.

"Yes, possibly," Thor admitted. "But we also have Nyneve here should her assistance be required."

Loki glanced at him. "If it comes down to it, Thor, know that I will choose her first. I will not sacrifice her. Not for anything." His voice was firm, surprising Thor, who began to wonder just how far his brother had fallen for Nyneve. Flicking his gaze at Jane standing behind them, Loki conjured Nyneve's dagger that he'd kept.

"Even you." Grabbing Thor's shoulder, he stabbed him in the gut before throwing him down the steep incline. As Thor rolled across the rocks and stones, Loki followed after him with a malicious smirk, making sure to keep his balance as he partially walked, partially slid down the slope.

"No!" Jane shouted, running to the edge. Nyneve took a more subtle route to the valley floor below, keeping an eye on Jane as she rushed after Loki and Thor. The plan only worked if Jane perfectly played her part.

Which was why Nyneve had asked Caliburn to keep her from knowing what they had discussed.

Just have to pray Malekith falls for it.

"You really think I cared about you and your mortal?" She heard Loki say as she got closer. "About any of you?" He kicked Thor in the face, sending him flying a few feet. "All I ever wanted was you and Odin dead at my feet!"

Well, he's got the pissed-off voice down pat, Nyneve thought. Seeing him like this made her all the more glad that it was just an act. This cold and detached Loki, with an evilly cunning gleam in his eyes, reminded her of the first bit of time they spent together. She took a deep breath in order to steady her resolve. She couldn't interfere. No matter how much she hated watching him have to use this mask again.

Thor reached out, attempting to summon Mjolnir as Loki strode to him. Just before the hammer could reach him, Loki grabbed Thor's wrist and cut off his hand in one smooth move.

Or so it will seem. Nyneve squinted a bit. Living with Loki for so long and practicing magic with him had helped her be able to distinguish between his illusions and reality. Not to mention that she could sense the threads of power tying it together.

Roaring in pain, Thor rolled onto his back, Mjolnir flying right past him to slam into the rocky dirt. Jane came running up behind them, going by Loki to fall to her knees at Thor's side. Loki stared down at them for a moment, then looped his arm around her waist and lifted her from the ground as he turned to the Dark Elves. The wind whipped some of his hair across his face as it messed with the dark strands.

"Malekith! I am Loki of Jotunheim, and I bring you a gift." He threw Jane unceremoniously at Malekith's feet. She gasped, raising her head to stare at the Dark Elf towering over her.

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