Chapter 31 - Reunion

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I'm back! And I have a surprise. I'll be doing a bunch of chapters this month, with the last chapter of the story being posted on Christmas Eve. I am doing this for a very special reason, which I will reveal when we get closer to the end. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter!


Hurry. If you don't, she dies.

Knowing she couldn't waste any power by magically changing her attire, Nyneve put her gear on by hand, glad that her fingers remembered the routine. It reminded her of that first day when she had waited for Loki to make his choice. Her dark brown suede pants and black fitted leather jacket were the same as then. Jogging down the stairs to her basement, she grabbed a couple daggers, sliding them into her tall boots. She made sure their scabbards were secure before selecting a pair of bracers. As an extra precaution, she chose a set with light metal plating along the outside. They wouldn't prevent a head-on attack, but could deflect a blow when used right.

Lessons from her younger days had taught her that fact well.

She ran back upstairs and to the living room, lifting Caliburn from the wall mount and belting the sword around her waist. There was no time to throw her hair into a braid. Even now she could feel an internal clock counting down.

They had to go.


A meow called her to the theater door. Lady sat there beside it, glancing between the closed door and Nyneve. Opening it, Nyneve found Loki within, asleep on the sofa with Thunder lying across his torso. The menu music for Brother Bear played in the background. She hated to wake him but had no choice.

"Loki," she said, walking behind the sofa and touching his shoulder. His emerald eyes blinked open sleepily, a smile beginning to warm his features. It turned into a frown when he noticed her anxious expression.

"What is it? What's wrong?" He sat up quickly, observing her attire and growing puzzled.

"We need to go. Now."

"Where?" Swinging his legs off the sofa, he stood and made his way to her, turning off the movie as he went.


Loki froze.

"I know, Love," Nyneve said, understanding how he felt about going back there at this point. "But if we don't, we will both regret it."

"You had a vision."

Taking a deep breath, she nodded. Loki stared at her for a moment, eyes unreadable, then sighed. He traded his loungewear for his leather and metal armor, though he forwent his helmet. Normally, Nyneve would have admired how the green, black, and gold complemented his appearance, but her worry kept her from doing so this time.

He palmed one of his blades before holding a hand out to her. Nyneve slipped hers into his, threading their fingers together. Sending a quick text to Hannah asking her to check on the animals that evening, she gathered her power and focused on the memory she had of Loki's mother, Frigga.

She just prayed she had enough magic to get them both there safely. And in time.


As she'd hoped, Nyneve was able to influence their positions when they teleported into Asgard. She could sense Loki just behind her to her right. Using the vision she had been given, Nyneve had made a choice.

A dangerous one, she was willing to admit.

For her position placed her between Frigga and the enemy.

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