Chapter 32 - Treason

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After the funeral, Loki took Nyneve with him to his chambers at Frigga's recommendation. She had kept Odin away from them, knowing tempers would merely flare higher if they were to cross paths at the current moment.

"I'm surprised they haven't gone ahead and redecorated it yet."

Nyneve chuckled, gazing about the room. It felt like Loki. Seeing him there, surrounded by all the luxury and finery, allowed her to finally picture the prince he had been. With chambers like this, it was hard to imagine he could settle for the single bedroom she had given him. She couldn't help but think that the extravagance suited him more compared to the simplicity of her own house.

"I prefer our home though. It's more comfortable."

Her head snapped up in shock, eyes following him as he walked across his room and drew back the heavy golden curtains. Relief almost made her weak. She should have known. Should have trusted him. The atmosphere had nearly made her forget.

He was her Loki.

"I had not planned on returning to Asgard," he said, staring out the window to the city below.

"I know," Nyneve responded softly. She moved to a nearby upholstered bench, setting her backpack on top of it. She knew what he would most likely ask next.

Loki grew somber. "Tell me. The vision you had that made you bring us here... It was of Mother, wasn't it?"


"... What happened in your vision?" He met her sad gaze. "What would have happened if we hadn't come?"

Nyneve hesitated.

"Would she have been wounded?"

She shook her head and Loki froze. Nyneve took a deep breath, dreading how this would surely hurt him. Even so, he wanted to know. And she knew she couldn't keep it from him.

"Frigga refused to give up Jane's location. The Dark Elf believed her... and so killed her."

The tears she saw forming in his stricken eyes stabbed at her heart. She went to him, taking his face gently in her hands.

"But that did not happen. We prevented it. She is alive and she is well. Loki, look at me." He did. "I will never let something like that happen. You have my word."

Loki was silent, looking over every aspect of her expression, letting her touch ground him. "If I didn't have you..."

"Well, you do have me. And I'm not going anywhere." She brushed away a tear that fell, fighting back her own. "Come. Let's get some rest," Nyneve said as she pulled him toward the bed. Then she smiled. "You can have all the cuddles you want."

How this woman knew exactly what to say to make him feel better was something he still hadn't been able to figure out.

"What about some of those cookies you brought?"

Her beautiful laugh lightened his heart even more.


"His ship could be over our heads right now and we would never even know it," Thor said, desperate to convince Odin.

"It is," Nyneve said as she stepped into the room, Loki beside her.

Odin sent her a disdainful look. She chose to take it in stride.

"He might be able to hide from view, but he can't hide from the elements. He's got all the wind spirits riled up."

The King of Asgard ignored her, turning to Loki instead. "Not only have you brought your shameful self back here, but you bring with you an insolent Midguardian woman as well, who meddles in affairs not her own. I should have never hesitated to have you thrown in the dungeons."

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