Chapter 29

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*Chases around my rebellious characters who put my chapter behind schedule*


Humming, Nyneve tied off the end of her braid with the green and gold ribbon, smiling fondly. It had been a few days since their excursion into Avalon. Christmas was just around the corner. She was trying to decide which of her decorations to bring out, knowing that Loki probably didn't have any experience with the holiday.

He's probably more familiar with Yule. I usually go pretty simple, following the spirit of Christmas more so than the Christian traditions. I can probably cheat and keep it simple. She chuckled. Though, I'll have to figure out what presents to get Loki. Other than the custom mugs, which should be arriving soon. Hopefully. Nyneve nearly laughed as she imagined his confused reaction to hanging a stocking.

"And what has you amused this morning?"

Speak of the devil.

She turned her head to watch Loki walk into the master bathroom. Then she shifted so she could face him and leaned back against the counter. "You."

Raising a brow, Loki stared down at her as he considered her response. "I amuse you, do I?" A playful glint came into his eyes that made Nyneve's own narrow in suspicion. His hands encircled her waist as he stepped closer.

With an ease that always left her wondering exactly how strong her otherworldly lover was, he lifted her onto the counter while smirking, placing himself comfortably between her parted thighs. Just when his mouth was moments from hers, there was a feline chirp behind them. Nyneve bit her lip to keep from laughing at the peeved expression that crossed Loki's face before he did a slow turn to glare at the tortoiseshell cat sitting regally in the bathroom doorway. Having gained their attention, Lady gave a demanding meow, informing the two that her breakfast was decidedly late and that she required the situation to be rectified. Now.

Nyneve's shoulders began to shake, her battle to contain her mirth becoming a losing one as Loki growled at Lady, who simply blinked calmly back. She was unable to keep a smile from her face as she watched Loki stalk after the feline. Lady trotted away with her tail held high, leading him downstairs. Nyneve could hear Loki grumbling the whole way, making her chuckle.

Sliding off the counter, she headed downstairs herself, going into the kitchen to make some breakfast. Loki walked in just as she was getting ingredients together. By the fact that he wasn't followed by cats, Nyneve figured he'd successfully fed them.


"Hm." He came up behind her, his arms wrapping around her waist. "With blueberries?"

She laughed softly. "Blueberries for you. Chocolate chips for me."

Loki nuzzled the side of her neck, bringing a smile to Nyneve's face as he stuck to her. She had gotten used to how clingy he was sometimes. Knowing it was one of his ways of showing affection, she let him stay as she made their breakfast.

The feel of her in his arms was something Loki found himself enjoying no matter how often he held her. It continued to humble him the degree to which she cared about and accepted him. He kept realizing just how much this mortal Midguardian had come to mean to him. How much Nyneve meant to him. The miracle of her love was not something he intended to take lightly.

For it was far too precious to be wasted.


After breakfast, they went for a ride. The horses' breath came out in cloudy puffs as they plodded through the snowdrifts. Thick winter coats kept the two equines warm. Nyneve had always loved when Mystic's coat fluffed out, for it was fun to run her fingers through the soft hair.

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