Chapter 4

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The Avengers had relocated to the more private setting of the top floor of Stark tower. What remained of it at least. Nyneve, Loki, and Hannah had accompanied them, though neither group was quite comfortable with the other.

"So, you're saying he was mind-controlled? By who?"

"Not sure. He was controlled through the scepter. I expect that it was mostly just influencing him at first. However, after the first time that I freed him from that influence, I have no doubt that whatever being was controlling him tightened its grip." Nyneve had placed herself between the Avengers and Loki. She had every intention of keeping him safe from their anger. "Either way, he has been through a lot. Have a little empathy." Nyneve glanced at Loki. He'd been oddly quiet. She took in his tired state, remembering how much of a beating he'd taken recently. Having taken his horned helm off as well as reduced the ornateness of his armor had caused his current physical state to become a bit more apparent. An idea forming, she brought a chair over to him.

"Sit down," she said, firm but gentle at the same time. Loki went to refuse, but the expression in her gaze told him it would be better not to. After a moment, he relented and sat.

The others watched as Nyneve unbuckled her sword from her waist, speaking to it as she did so. They couldn't understand what she said, for it was in another language. Her words made glowing silvery lettering appear along the hardened blue leather which encased the scabbard. Laying it across his lap, she stepped away and turned to face the others again.

Tony crossed his arms. "What exactly is it with you and that sword?"

Nyneve glanced at him with her mysterious light blue eyes. Pondering for a moment, she said, "Hannah, do you happen to remember what Excalibur was originally called? I believe it was mentioned at least once in those books."

Hannah thought for a second before realization hit her. "Caliburn." A surprised look came across her face. "Holy shit..."

"Language," Steve scolded.

Nyneve gave a knowing smile. "Excalibur. That is what the Kingsword, Caliburn, came to be called as time went by and the legends were passed down and altered. The sword chooses one wielder and no other."

"And you know this how?"

"I am a descendent of Merlin. It is part of my heritage to know. I also happen to be the current chosen wielder of Caliburn."

"Hmm." Deciding to ignore something that wasn't his forte, Tony asked, "You say he was controlled. Why didn't it look like it? He looks fine to me." He gestured at Loki, sitting quietly behind Nyneve.

"He sees with his eyes but not beyond. And so is he blind, though his sight remains," Nyneve quoted, her arms crossed.

"Nice line," Tony said, a bit sarcastically. "Where did you hear it?"

"I didn't hear it. I wrote it, dumbass," Nyneve retorted.

"He's a murderer. He killed over eighty people."

Nyneve glared at Tony, snapping, "Well, your slates aren't exactly clean either."

She had a point, though no one there wanted to admit it.

Hannah had remained silent throughout the discussion, observing the scene. She was mostly studying the topic of the discussion, her mind analyzing Loki. When they'd arrived, Loki had looked downright horrible, exhaustion being the most prominent. With the sword in his lap, he seemed to be already feeling a bit better and Hannah suspected it was Caliburn's doing. She was also noting the increased tension building between Tony and Nyneve. And if she knew her friend's temper, Tony had better jump in his suit. Although she had a feeling even the state-of-the-art metal suit wouldn't protect him.

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