Chapter 21

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Towards the end of September, Nyneve decided it was time to go visit her grandfather's cabin again. She didn't want to leave its care as long as she had before, but dreaded the possibility of her father showing up there like the last time. Unlike her own home, she couldn't maintain a shield around the cabin in order to keep out unwanted visitors. It just wasn't the right setup, since there was no way to easily anchor the spell there to allow her to maintain it from afar.

Now, the question was how to leave for a time without worrying her exceedingly attached lover.

"Fy nghariad?"

"Hm?" Loki's chest rumbled underneath her. They were lying comfortably stretched out on the sofa, enjoying an early afternoon nap. Nyneve was on top of him, nestled against his chest, his arms wrapped loosely around her waist. She'd been feeling a bit tired lately and had opted to rest with Loki for a little while rather than delving into her work.

"I'm thinking of going to my grandfather's cabin today. I don't want to leave it as long as I did last time." Her brow furrowed as she tried to plan out how she could do it without it taking all day. "If I use one of my grandfather's friends who live near his place as a focus, I can teleport there and not have to worry about travel time."

"May I accompany you?"

Nyneve glanced up at him, surprised. "You want to?"

"It was the first place I met you. If it had not been for your grandfather's cabin, would we have met?"

She realized he had a point. However, she was worried. Not only about her father, but if others were still looking for Loki. "You'd have to go in disguise. Especially if I will be using Grandpa's friend as a focus."

"I'm sure we can figure something out," he said with a confident smirk. He kissed her forehead. "You are with a god after all. Or have you forgotten that fact?"

"How could I forget when said god's ego nearly overflows out of my house?" she retorted, giving a teasing smile.

The sudden urge to sneeze came over her. She rolled off the sofa and to her feet in order to not sneeze all over Loki.

"Are you alright, Darling?" he asked as she sniffled, sitting up.

"Yeah. Just a little stuffy today. Must be the change in the weather with the seasons." She rubbed her nose in annoyance. Noting his concerned gaze, Nyneve tried to reassure him. "I'm fine. Truly. But, if we want to get back before night, we had best be on our way."

"Does this friend of your grandfather's know about your powers?" Loki asked as they headed upstairs.

"He's one of Grandpa's oldest and closest friends. One of the few outside the Myrddin family who know. At Grandpa's request, he swore to keep it a secret. When Grandpa was... killed, he was one of the only ones there for me."

"It appears your grandfather chose his friends well."

Nyneve gave a sad smile. "That he did." With a soft brush of the backs of his fingers against her cheek, Loki headed into his room to figure out what to wear. She watched him for a moment, then went to her own bedroom. Shaking her head in an attempt to clear some of the fuzziness starting to cloud it, she changed into a pair of comfortably worn jeans, followed by a dark blue shirt and slate grey hoodie. Simple, but warm, with plenty of mobility for any maintenance work needing to be done to the cabin.

Once ready, she headed downstairs to wait for Loki. Caliburn was pulled from the wall mount on her way to be deftly belted around her waist. Nyneve glanced up as Loki's footsteps came down the stairs. She raised a brow when she spotted his black suit and coat.

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