Chapter 42 - Family

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This time, there are three songs accompanying this chapter. I figured it was only fitting, as this is the last chapter of A Legend of Mischief. I hope you like it and thank you all for sticking around this long!


The glade kept its icy winter beauty thanks to the efforts of the snow spirit, who had maintained a vigil to prevent anything from disturbing it. With the combined efforts of Nyneve, Hannah, Loki, and some of the spirits, the set-up for the wedding and reception had gone well. White, gold, and green had been the theme, accented by the frost and snow.

Nyneve chose to keep the ceremony small. A heartfelt exchange of vows was all she and Loki had needed to confirm their status as a married couple by Midgardian standards. This left plenty of time for the reception afterward.

The gown she wore was the same one from her Asgardian wedding, though it had been changed back to the original white and gold color. Nyneve planned to return it to the green and gold when all was said and done, for she loved it that way. And she knew Loki did too.

Her moonstone circlet once again adorned her brow, though some of her hair was done in intricate braids. Sprigs of emerald holly leaves and delicate crystal flowers, crafted of ice and gifted by the tiger spirit, decorated them. In accordance with Midgardian tradition, Loki had foregone his armor for a suit. His dark green vest was the only bit of color on his otherwise all-black outfit. Even so, he was very handsome in Nyneve's eyes.

Elgan had posted members of the Hunt in the surrounding forest. A precaution to make sure the festivities weren't disturbed. All eight queens were in attendance, so Nyneve understood the need for extra precaution. She had, however, requested that they not reveal themselves to any human mortals who might pass by.

Rhoswen and a couple of her bards were providing the music, at their request. Nyneve had been too tempted to see what they would come up with to refuse.

She was glad she'd decided to let them play.

Most of the Avengers had come along, though Clint had passed on the invitation. Nyneve wasn't too surprised, considering the grudge he likely still held for Loki's mind control. Somehow, she and Hannah would have to work on smoothing things out between the Avengers and Loki. Especially since he would be living with Nyneve indefinitely from now on.

Both of them had agreed that Asgard would be their secondary home. The Oaken Round had grown too dear to them to relinquish it so easily.

Not when it was the place that helped them fall in love.

Nyneve surveyed the glade with a proud eye. It was the first time in a while that she'd had so many guests and she was pleased with the beauty her land was displaying. Her home never failed to fill her heart with joy.

Tables were placed around the edge of the clearing, along with chairs, leaving the center open for dancing. Most of the guests were gathered in their own groups, chatting and socializing. Loki was over talking with Thor. When he noticed her watching, he sent her a wink and a smirk that had Nyneve shaking her head and quietly laughing at him.

She turned as she heard Tony coming up behind her.

"Now, don't forget our bargain. I pull the strings, you help the Avengers from time to time. You and Reindeer Games can get married and we get extra help. Win-win." He took a drink from his glass of champagne.

Nyneve rolled her eyes but smiled. "I won't forget, Tony."

"What deal?" Hannah asked as she joined them, nursing her own glass of wine. The bottom edge of her floor-length gown brushed against the snow blanketing the clearing. Fallen snowflakes decorated the pale green skirt, while long lace sleeves led to a V-neck bodice. Nyneve's Maid-of-Honor was looking very elegant.

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