Chapter 38 - Mischief

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Nyneve was staring out a window at the play of starlight across Asgard when she heard the door open. She turned to find Loki standing behind her in his Jotunn form. He gazed down at her, his now red eyes showing so much emotion.

"Are you truly not afraid of me like this?"

Without hesitation, she reached out to him, cupping his face in her hands and bringing his head down to hers to kiss him. "All I see is you," she said against his lips, drawing back just enough to meet his gaze. His blue skin was cooler to the touch than normal. It was strange, but Nyneve didn't mind it. He was still her Loki. And she loved him.

He remained on edge. "Mother assisted me in learning how to control the change. Before now... I had wanted nothing to do with this form."

"It's still you, Loki. Just like how your shapeshifting does not change who you are at your core."

Nyneve could tell he was not quite convinced. She needed to figure out a way to help him relax, to get him comfortable with the Frost Giant side of him.

After a moment of pondering, she took a step back, eyes following the raised lines that now graced his face. She was tempted to trace them with her fingers. "I wonder," Nyneve bit her bottom lip with one canine as she let her gaze wander slowly downward before lifting to meet his, "do the markings go all the way down?"

Loki cocked a brow. "Shall we find out?" She smirked, taking hold of the front of his leather armor and tugging him toward the bed. Score one for her on the chart.

Oh, and the markings did indeed go all the way down. At least to the waist of his pants.

She followed them with her fingertips, admiring his blue-grey skin. Somehow, she sensed that his view of himself hinged on how he appeared to her. A lot rode on whatever she did from here on out, how she reacted, what she said.

This won't be easy.

He was apprehensive, afraid. Scared she would reject him, see him as the monster he'd been raised to believe Frost Giants were.

It was her turn to prove him wrong.

Nyneve scooted forward and straddled his lap. "I love you, Loki. No matter the form you take." Taking his face in her hands, she kissed him, her tongue flicking out to brush across his lips, requesting entrance. She kept her eyes open, purposefully meeting his.

Those moonlit eyes remained unchanged, her feelings for him reflected in their mysterious blue depths. With a sigh, he gave in to her.

How was it that she could so easily take on his insecurities, doing away with them one by one? She accepted him. In spite of his flaws. In spite of his fears. In spite of everything.

How could he be worthy of the gift she gave him?

"You are worthy, Loki." Her thumbs brushed featherlight across his cheeks as she smiled down at his shocked expression. "You were always worthy." Tears gathered in her eyes as she watched them shimmer in his. Her sweet Loki. She wished she could simply magic away his pain. But that wasn't possible. So, she would use the old-fashioned method instead.

She would love him until that pain faded and his wounded heart healed.

No matter how long it took. No matter how many times she had to reassure him of her love. She would do it.

And she could start now.

Tension radiated from him. This wasn't the time to play with the Blue Popsicle, no matter how curious she might be. Right now he needed her comfort and support. Needed her to prove that he wasn't a monster.

A Legend of Mischief (Loki Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now