Chapter 26

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I took a little extra time with this chapter to make sure it came out alright. Now remember, killing the author is illegal and tissues are recommended. *hides*


Elgan glanced down, quickly assessing the state of both. Loki wasn't sure whether to trust him or not. There was something about him that he couldn't quite place. It almost reminded him of...

Nyneve. Nyneve and Caliburn. The air around them was similar, like they were tied to something else. He'd thought it was because of her magic, because of Caliburn's enchantment. If Avalon existed, then Nyneve...

His thoughts were interrupted when Elgan spoke. "Time to get you to Avalon. But first..." Elgan turned and walked toward the spirit, who was held bound by shimmering golden light a few yards away. "You have already killed one of them," he said to the spirit. "No need to take the other as well."

It snarled, struggling against the magical bonds. Elgan swept his cloak out behind him and crouched. When the spirit went to snap at him, fangs gleaming, another rope of golden light restrained its muzzle. Black eyes gleaming with rage stared malevolently at Elgan. Placing a hand on the spirit's broad head, he banished the corruption. The dark fled, revealing the white tiger form the spirit had taken, shining like the snow it embodied. Clarity came to its eyes as the glowing ropes dissipated, accompanied by guilt for actions taken which could never be undone.

Elgan stood, knowing that the spirit's foolishness could not go without consequence.

"As penance for your deeds, you will no longer be a spirit of the snow. From now on, you will guard this land, protecting both the forest and the Chosen of Caliburn who calls it home. The hunters bear much of the blame for what has come to pass, but you are responsible as well. You could have come to her sooner for help. The choice was yours. Both for that and taking the life of someone irreplaceable to her, you shall guard her until the day she releases you. So shalt it be." Elgan's final words rang out as he swept a hand before him, his judgment made. Power surrounded the spirit, binding it to the Oaken Round. The tiger spirit bowed its head in acceptance, white eyes glancing once in Nyneve's direction with shame. It would not fight Elgan's decision because of the guilt it felt at having hurt the only person who would have tried to help it without reservation.

The spirit faded from sight, taking up a post near where it had broken a portion of the shield. Until Nyneve returned to repair the gap, the spirit would make sure none entered.

Once the spirit was gone, Elgan went back to where Loki waited, Nyneve's unconscious form cradled in his arms.

"Her breathing is slowing," Loki said, his panic beginning to show in his voice.

Elgan took one glance at her. "The corruption is spreading. We must get her to the healers. Come." With a gesture, a shimmering portal was opened near them. Beyond it, Loki saw grassy fields and lush forests, the land dotted with houses and halls. It reminded him of the younger days of humans, when they lived simply. But this simplicity was edged with elegance and beauty in the way the structures blended with nature, paying homage to the land on which they had been built.

"It's alright," Elgan said, noting his hesitation. "None will harm you here." He stepped through first in order to show that it was safe. Elgan really didn't want to have to use magic to force them into Avalon, but his duty to the Chosen of Caliburn came first. He breathed a quiet sigh of relief when the Asgardian walked through the portal after a moment.

"What now?" Loki asked, on edge as he took in the unfamiliar landscape.

"There should be a healer waiting. I let them know before leaving to lend my aid."

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