Chapter 2 - First date

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*Tom pov*
It's been two weeks since a last saw Charlotte and I couldn't stop thinking about her.
I'm on my way over to my mom where I'll have lunch with her, my big sister Sarah and my little sister Emma.
I really want to do something with Charlotte, maybe a lunch or soon as I get to my mom I'll text her.
After 10 minutes I'm knocking on my mother's front door
"Hi darling!" My mother says pulling me into a hug
"Hi mom!" I say kissing her
"Get in, your sisters are in the kitchen"
I take my shoes and coat off and walk in the kitchen, my sisters are sitting on the kitchen stools. I walk behind them and put myself in the middle, laying an arm on Sarah shoulder and the other on Emma's.
"Hello ladies!" I say
They turn around facing me, I kiss them both and they do the same
"Hi Tommy!" Sarah says, that's a nickname she gave me since we were little
Then Emma rests her head on my arm and I thighten it around her
"Happy to see you!" She says
"Me too Emma!"
Soon lunch is ready and we sat at the table going over some conversation.
Once we're done we help mom cleaning the kitchen and then me and my sisters sit on the couch while mom is making a phone call.
I take out my phone and decide to text Charlotte.
While I wait for her answer Sarah leans against me and takes a look at my screen
"Mmm...who's Charlotte?" She asks
"She's the photographer who took my photo shoot a couple of weeks ago"
"Oh yeah...I've seen those photos, they are awesome!" Emma joins
"She's a great photographer!" I say
"You're texting her to ask for another photo shoot?" Emma asks
"Ehehehe...uhm not quite..."
"Ooh someone is in love!" Sarah shouts as mom walks in he living room
"Who's in love?" Mom asks
"Your son!" Emma says quickly
I look at my sisters and then at my mom
"I wouldn't say that..."
"But?" My mom chimes in
"But...she's gorgeous, possibly the most gorgeous woman I've ever laid eyes on. She has those big green eyes that you can get lost in..."
"Definitely in love!" Sarah says
"She texted you back" Emma says
I look back at my phone and send her another text

""Definitely in love!" Sarah says"She texted you back" Emma saysI look back at my phone and send her another text

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"She has kids?" my mom asks
"She does...Ellie, she's twelve and Alex, six and a half" I answer looking at my mom
"Their father is around?"
"No...she told me that he was her very first boyfriend. She's 28 so she was 16 when she got pregnant with her daughter" I say looking down at my hands before continuing "she also told me that most of the time he wasn't present and when he was, he was drunk. Then she got pregnant for the second time and he left her saying that he never wanted kids"
My mom puts a hand on my shoulder and I look back up at her
"Oh poor thing!"
"Yeah...oh and she's not from London, judging by her accent she's American"
"Tom..." Sarah says
"You got another text from her"

Sarah looked back at my phone before I could put it on sleep mode"Uuuh

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Sarah looked back at my phone before I could put it on sleep mode
"Uuuh...Tommy has a date!"
"Don't bother your brother Sarah"
I smile at my mom and then stick my tongue out at Sarah.
I end up stay at my mom's for the whole day and get home after dinner.

- Thursday-

*Charlotte pov*
Oh my god!
I have a date with Tom Hiddleston!
Oh it's been so long, too long since I went out with a man!
The kids are going to be babysat by my neighbor, an old sweet lady named Julie. She often bring us pies and watch over the kids if I have a last minute thing to do.
The kids are on the couch watching Thor...again...
"Kids!" I say while I come down the stairs Ellie pauses the movie and they not look back at me with big eyes
"What?" I say
"You look beautiful mommy!" Alex says running to me
I hug him, Ellie also comes over
"You're really pretty" she says
"Thank you babies! Now, be good for Ms. Julie ok?"
"Sure mom don't worry!" Ellie says and gives me a hug
Then the doorbell rings
"That's your cue to go Charlotte" Ms. Julie says
I look myself in the hallway mirror once more and exit my house, closing the door right behind me
I haven't told the kids or anyone else with who I'm going out with, not even Leah my best friend, she doesn't even know I'm going on a date and I feel a bit bad for not telling her honestly...
As I look up I see Tom in black suit pants and jacket and under it he's sporting a white shirt, oh and he's holding a beautiful roses bouquet
"You look...beautiful darling, breathtaking!" He says offering me his arm to help me descending the stairs
"You look good to Tom!"
He hands me the flowers and walks me to his car, he opens the door for me and then closes it once I'm in, he jogs to his side and gets in.
Once at the restaurant a waiter shows us to our table which is in a private corner, I'm pretty sure Tom requested it.
He pulls my seat back and I sit.
"Thank you" I say knowing well that I'm blushing
He sits as well and we order our dinner.
During it we talk a bit about our jobs and he laughs when I say that when I got out of my house the kids were watching Thor.
"'re not from London" he says while we wait for our dessert
"Nope...San Francisco"
"Wow...all the way over there!"
"Sorry if I ask, you don't have to answer if you don't want to...but why did you move here, in London?"
"This summer I chose that me and my kids needed a change. San Francisco has always been my home, but it holds too many bad memories. So we packed everything and moved here. I've been happier and even the kids"
"I'm really glad to hear that Charlotte"
I smile at him, getting lost in his eyes
"What about the rest of your family?" He asks
"Oh...uhm...they never liked my boyfriend and so we used to fight a lot. I have a big sister, we rarely fought but when I got together with him we lost contact and I moved out, I was only sixteen and after a couple of months I found out I was expecting...I don't t know where they are now and I don't know if they know that I have kids...I asked Leah my best friend not to tell them anything, I know she didn't"
Tom put his hand on mine, resting them on the table and give me a little smile
"And their dad, he's been in Stateville since after a month or two after we broke up, and he's going to stay there for a long time...I don't know what he did and I don't wanna know, I'm just glad he's out of our lives"
He squeeze my hand gently whispering a "sorry" just as the waiter brings our dessert.
Tom payed for the dinner, useless to say I tried to pay my half but he insisted and said that that's what a true gentleman does.
He drove me home.
We stand outside my door, in one hand I'm holding the bouquet and in the other his warm hand
"I had fun tonight Charlotte" he says looking me in the eyes
"Me too"
"I'd love to do this again" he says shyly, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck
"Then just ask me..."
"Eheheeh...uhm...would you like to go on another date with me?"
God he looked so nervous
"Absolutely! May I ask you why you look so nervous?"
Even though there's not much light on the street I could clearly see him blush
"Oh...ehm I don't know. I guess it's been long since the last time I went out with a gorgeous woman like you"
Now it was my turn to blush
He steps closer and lays a soft kiss on my cheek, he lingers there a bit and I could feel his breath on me, it sent shivers down my back. I don't remember the last time I felt like this...maybe ten years ago?
I'm brought back to reality when he whispers in my ear "Sunday night, 8 pm?"
"Sounds good for me" I answer him
"Good, goodnight darling!" He says and kisses me on the cheek again
"Goodnight Tom!" I say turning around and opening my door.
Once inside I thank Ms Julie and let her go to her house, knowing that my kids are sleeping I walk directly to my bedroom and flop on the bed, replaying the evening in my head.
What a date I must say!

I know I've only posted two chapters...but how do you like it so far?😅

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