Chapter 11 - A day with the kids

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*Tom's pov*
Today is a relaxing day...pretty much nothing to do until tonight for Charlotte and I date...
I was finishing my lunch when she called me


"Hi darling!"
"All good? You sound...a"
"Well...I'm stuck at work! Alex is with me, he didn't have school today and Ms. Jules couldn't watch after him. But the real problem is Ellie, she gets out of school in like 20 minutes and I'm behind schedule and-"
"You called me to know if I can pick her up?"
"Well...yes. Only if you got nothing to do"
"I've got nothing better to do than pick up your daughter from school. Then I'll come to you to pick up Alex as well, I'll take them to eat some ice cream together and go back to your place and wait for you"
"You are fantastic! I'll see you in a know where the school is right?"
"Yes! See you later"

After hanging up with her I quickly change and drive to Ellie's school waiting for her in the parking lot.

*Ellie's pov*
Good...another day of school done!
I just hope mom is outside waiting for me. School here is good, I love living in London...the only thing I don't like is the way some of my classmates, mostly girls, treat me.
I'm the only kid in the class without a dad and they make fun of me for that and also for the fact that I have a different accent, they always make comments when I say a word like cookie, they laugh at me cause British people say biscuit.
Usually the make fun of me when they can't be heard by the teachers and that moment is when we get out of the school.
I look around for mom's car, but I can't see it, what I can see it's Becca and her best friend coming my way...oh here we go!
"Hey, you're daddy still hasn't picked you up" Becca starts
"But Becca...she does not have one!" The other one continues laughing
Mom where are you?
"Oh right!" Becca says laughing too
I feel like I'm about to explode...I always stay calm and not answer to their comments but this is too much.
Before I can open my mouth to say something, I feel a hand touching my shoulder and I look up slowly, I meet with Tom's eyes
"Hi darling! Shall we go? We've got quite the afternoon together!"
"Omg...Tom! Can you sign me this?" Becca says stepping in front of him and showing him a notebook
"Sorry...but today I'm here only for my princess" he says smiling and taking my backpack from my shoulders, then he turns around, grabs my hand and we walk away.
Once in the car he looks at me
"I saw you struggling and I thought I should do something, I hope you didn't mind it or the fact that I called you princess in front of them"
It's in times like this that I think how lucky my mom Alex and I are to have someone like Tom in our lives.
I just look at him and the only thing I want to do is hug him, and I do it
"Thank you!" I say into his chest
"No problem darling!"
After a bit we break the hug
"Do they always bother you?"
"Pretty much...they make fun of me for my accent or for the fact that I don't have a dad"
"That is rude! Does your mother know?"
"No...I don't what her to worry, don't tell her"
"Ellie" he says taking my hands "we should tell her, it is not right what those girls are saying to you and even the teachers should know"
"I'll tell her but not today...I don't want to ruin her date night with you"
"Ok...but promise me you'll tell her"
"Good" he kisses my head and proceeds to drive to moms studio
"Ehy...about the dad thing, it's honestly better like this isn't it? And I'm pretty sure the feel jealous of you now...maybe this will make them tease you more, and if they do please tell me...I make sure to have a word with your head teacher"

*Tom's pov*
I take Charlotte house keys and Alex and drive to the nearest ice cream place.

"Hello! What flavors do you want?" The lady asks
"I'd like chocolate" Alex says
"Cherry please" Ellie says
"Chocolate and cherry for me, thank you!" I say
Once I pay for the ice creams we sit on a nearby bench and eat them.
"What do we do now?" Alex asks after eating his ice cream
"Well for starters we clean your face" I say taking a napkin and swiping off the chocolate from his mouth "then we go to your house and wait for you mommy to come home, she should be done by four"

In the house the kids change into some more comfortable clothes and then we all sit on the sofa.
"Tom do you mind if we watch Thor?" Ellie asks
"No...we can do that!" I say grabbing the remote and switching on the telly
"I can't wait for Avengers to be out!" Alex says
"Maybe we can watch it together" I say
"That would be awesome" Ellie says

When we are about at half of the film Charlotte makes her way in the house
"Oh I can't believe they made you watch that!"
"It's not problem...I enjoy watching it with them"
"Thank you for everything you did today!"
"No problem love!"
"Mmm...amazing" she says putting her hands on my shoulders from where she's standing behind the sofa
"You!" She says kissing me on my hair and then she disappears upstairs.

The movie ends and I say good bye to the kids and Charlotte, knowing that I'll be back to pick her up in about three hours, and make my way home to have a shower and prepare dinner.
While I wait for Luke to call me back after my shower, I scroll through my photos and see one of me and the kids, deciding to post it on Instagram after asking Charlotte permission to do so.

While I wait for Luke to call me back after my shower, I scroll through my photos and see one of me and the kids, deciding to post it on Instagram after asking Charlotte permission to do so

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Little cute chapter of Tom interacting with the kids
I hope you enjoy this story so far!
I know the pic in the Instagram post is not from the avengers set, but it's cute...pretty sure it's one from the High Rise set, judging by the way he's dressed.

Also I want to say something very quickly
Nobody deserves to be body shamed, nobody!
We alla have feelings even famous people, they are humans just like we are, and being body shamed or being said other bad things it hurts, like crazy.

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