Chapter 74 - France

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*Tom pov*

"The flight from London to Cannes LHR-CEQ is boarding now" we hear from the megaphone and start to walk towards the bus that will take us on the plane.
Once we are there we find our seats pretty easily and soon adjust ourselves, we just hope the the twins won't suffer too much the air pressure, but luckily it is a short flight.
Alex and Ellie are sitting in front of us and are buckling their belts, we do the same and then take one twin each.

"Ladies and gentlemen welcome on our flight, we will approximately land at 10.25. Enjoy your flight!"
As the kids chose a movie to watch for the duration of our journey to Cannes I busied myself cuddling Lukas as Charlotte reads her book and holds Kate.
"Hi my sweet boy" I say to him, as I make him silly faces he makes a few sounds but not too loud.

The first 40/60 minutes of the flight went splendid, but then Kate started to cry and after 3 failed attempt from Charlotte to try and make her calm down she says
"Let's switch the babies, see if you can calm your daughter down a bit" I hand her Lukas and she hands me Kate.
I try from my sitting position for about 5 minutes then a flight assistant comes to us
"I'm so sorry to disturb" I say to her
"It's okay, I can't stay mad at babies especially when they are this cute! I came to ask you if you would like to go near the top of the airplane, there is a more secluded area, maybe she'll calm there"
"Thank you" I say standing up and smiling at Charlotte, then I follow the lady and she shows me to an indeed more private spot and close a little curtain and leave.
I start to walk the short distance and bounce her a bit.
"What's wrong baby? You ears hurt?"
She emits a more intense cry
"Oh I know, I know! Daddy is sorry princess" I say kissing her cheeks lovingly.
I stay there for about half an hour and then she falls asleep comfortably in my arms.
I walk back to my seat and join my wife once again, seeing her playing with Lukas little hands as he looks at her.
"Is she ok now?" She asks with a sad tone
"She is, poor baby" I say as she strokes a bit her cheek.

Just as the flight attendant said at 10.25 we landed and got out of the plane towards baggage claim and once we got all of our bags we started to walk to the exit. Lots of people waiting for us: fans, paparazzi and journalists.
"Tom I love your movies!"
"You have a beautiful family!"
"You're my favorite actor!"
"Your wife is gorgeous and your kids are adorable!"
"Tom! Can you sing me this?"
Those are only some of the things we hear, I stopped and signed a few things and then we continue our walk, security reached us and also journalists.
"Welcome to France Mr. Hiddleston and family!" Says one of them with a thick French accent
"Thank you!"
"Are you looking forward to the premiere and the few days you are going to spend in our country?"
"I am, we all are! Can't wait to show the family around this beautiful city!"
"Thank you for answering, have a good stay!"
And with that we walk away and get into the car that is going to bring us to the hotel.
Tilda Swinton, my co-star in 'Only Lovers Left Alive' is also staying in our hotel so once we are settled in we are going to pay her a visit in her room.

After settling down in our room, take a shower and change the clothes we put the twins back in their baby carriers and got in the lift to reach Tilda's room.
The lift dinged once we got to the right floor, we exited it and together walked to her door and knocked on it.
"A second!" We hear her say from behind the door
After a few short seconds she opens the door and makes a surprised face as she sees me
"Tom, hi!"
"Hey Tilda!" I say hugging her after setting on the floor Kate's carrier
"I didn't know you were staying here too" she says and then looks at Charlotte and our four kids "and you must be Charlotte, Ellie, Alex, Kate and Lukas" she hugs my wife and the kids then bend down to take a better look at the twins "you have four beautiful kids" she says smiling at Charlotte.
"Aw thank you"
She welcome us in and makes us sit on the nice sofa and armchairs she has in the little living room of her room.
We talk about what we've done in the months we haven't seen each other and about what we are going to wear the night of the premiere.
"So Tom is a good dad uh?"
"The best!" Alex says
"I can confirm, he truly is the best dad we could have ever wished for" Ellie says snuggling in my side and I put an arm around her.
"And a good husband..."
"Oh yes! He cares about everything, makes sure to always to help and really knows how to be romantic and make you feel loved"

A turn my head slightly and look at my amazing wife and I know that I can't help to fall in love more and more every day.

Hope you like this chapter, have a great day❤️
(Don't mind the code of the flight, I'm 100% sure it's totally wrong, but again I've never been on a plane in my life...)

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