Chapter 29 - Father's day part 1

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*Charlotte pov*

I just picked up the kids from school, both of them looking a bit off.
"Come on, tell mommy what's wrong"
They look at each other then Ellie speaks up
"It's just...this week is father day week right?" I nod at her statement "and as for Alex grade the teacher asked the kids to bring their dads at school on Wednesday, while for the girls in my class they planned a daddy-daughter dance on Friday night"
"Ok, and what's the problem with that sweetie?" I say looking at her in the rear view mirror
"Do you think dad wants to do this? I mean going out in the public with tons of kids and parents that are gonna ask thousands of questions?"
"Why don't you two ask him once we reach home?"
They both nod and soon after we enter our house
"Hi! How was school?" Tom asks as the kids hug him
"Good!" Alex says
"Great" Ellie says
"You know what? Nathan Fillion nominated me for the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, and I thought that while mommy films it, you two get to throw the icey water on me! What do you think?"
"Yeeees!" The scream
"Someone is very excited to throw water at their father uh?" I say getting in the living room
"Ok, get the camera darling!"

The kids and him get the bucket of water and the ice ready and then we going out in the yard.
I turn on my camera and give him a thumbs up, telling him I'm ready.
"Hello! My name is Tom Hiddleston and I'm here accepting Nathan Fillion's nomination to take the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge in support of Lou Gehrig's disease and if you all want to donate you have to go to Now I have my kids here with me, fill the bucket with ice guys!"
The kids quickly empty the ice in the bucket and they both grab it and position themselves out of the picture and throw it at Tom
"Uuuh! Aaah! Uhm...I would like to nominate Benedict Cumberbatch and Luke Evans, you have twenty four hours to respond...woah!"
I end the video and get closer to Tom
"You know...all the fan girls are gonna be very happy!" I say
He wipes his face from the cold water and then looks at me confused
"Dad...really? You've got a see through t-shirt on!"
"Oh...ops! I didn't even think about that" he says
"It's okay...still you are going to receive lots of messages..."
"What have I done!" He says as the kids and I laugh at him

After watching the video a couple of times I transfer it to my laptop and then put it on Tom's phone, so that he can post it on Instagram, while I chose to capture a photo from it and post it on mine.

After watching the video a couple of times I transfer it to my laptop and then put it on Tom's phone, so that he can post it on Instagram, while I chose to capture a photo from it and post it on mine

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As the kids change from their school clothes, Tom goes to the bathroom to dry himself up and change.
I follow him and lean on the sink and look at him as he grabs the towel and discards his t-shirt
"What?!" He says
"The kids need to talk to their handsome father" I tell him
"Ok...something wrong?" He asks worried
"Not really no...but they are a bit, I don't know, discouraged to talk to you"
He dresses himself and after grabbing Alex, he carries him into Ellie's room.

*Tom pov*

I knock on Ellie's door and she opens it after a few seconds.
"Yes?" She says
"Mummy said you need to talk to me" I say as I sit on her bed and let them sit on each of my legs.
"So on Saturday is Father's Day...the fact is that the teachers have planned some projects for us kids. Alex class has to take their dads to school for the day on Wednesday and for the girls of my class we have a daddy-daughter dance on Friday night"
"And what is the problem love?"
"We thought that you don't want to do this because it will attract so much attention" Alex speaks looking down
I tighten my grip on them and take a deep breath
"Ehy...listen to me. Never think that I won't attend things like this just because of the other many people who are going to attend it. I love you so much, you are my kids! You changed my life, I'll do anything for you and your mum. Of course I'm going to go with Alex on Wednesday and I'll be honored to dance with my little princess" I say hugging them even tighter if that is possible
They hug me too and kiss my cheeks, I kiss their heads slowly and fall back on the bed.
They snuggle on my sides and we stay like that until Charlotte comes in the room, telling us dinner is ready.

- Wednesday -

Charlotte and I make breakfast after waking up the kids
"Ready for today?" She asks
"Oh so ready!"
The kids come down the stairs and Alex has a bright smile on his little face
"Hi daddy!" He says
"Hello!" I say lifting him and kissing his cheek, then I sit down on the stool and let him eat his breakfast as he sits on my lap.
After eating the kids go in the bathroom to wash and then to change their clothes, getting ready for school.
I walk in my bedroom to and start to get dressed, as I put my socks on Charlotte comes in
"Someone is requesting you to fix his hair"
"Eheheheh...I'm coming Alex!"
Entering his bathroom I see him on the little step looking at himself in the mirror
"Daddy to the rescue" I say grabbing the comb
And gently pushing back his hair after I apply some hair gel.
"Thanks!" He says running away

After half an hour I park the car in the near the school and let the kids out.
"Have a great day darling, see you later" I say hugging Ellie
"Love you, bye!" She says then she walks off to meet her friends.
I grab Alex hand and we walk together in his school.
"Hi Ms. Richards!" Alex says greeting his math teacher
"Hi Alex! Mr. Hiddleston it's good to see you again, come in. Some of your friends are in the classroom already" she says
I watch Alex going in and take off his coat and sitting at his desk.
The teacher let all the dads in the class and makes us sit on the chairs near the wall.
"Alright class! Today is a special day, all your dads are here to make projects with you for Father's Day. Also, I'm going to call you in alphabetical order and you will be presenting your dad to the class, ok?"
"Yes Ms. Richards!" All the kids say

The kids are all very attentive, listening carefully for what the other classmate has to say about their dads.
Some time passes before it's Alex turn, since he is under the H.
"Alex, your turn. Bring your dad here" she says
Alex stands from his seat and comes to me, taking my hand in his, then he walks to the teacher's desk.
"This is my daddy. His name is Tom" Alex says
"Hi!" I say to the kids and their fathers, only the kids that came at his birthday party know me, the rest doesn't.
"He is an actor and plays Loki in the Marvel movies"
Most of the boys in the class go 'wow' and I smile looking down at Alex
"He is very smart and he can quote Shakespeare, he also likes to play with me and my sister a lot! I love him so much and he is my superhero!"
I hug him tight to my body and he smiles up at me, now it's time for some questions from the other kids.
One was how much time does it take to change in Loki's clothes and another if I really know how to do magic tricks like Loki does.
"How can he be your superhero if he is a villain?" A kid asks
"Well he plays a villain: Loki, but when he's not filming he's just Tom. It's different, they are not the same person. And he is my superhero because he brought back the smile on mommy's face!" He says
"That was a very good explanation Alex, thank you. Now you may sit at your desk with your father" Ms. Richards says

After all the kids are done introducing their dads we have a little break. The kids run around in the yard while us dads talk to each other. I have a couple of interesting conversations with two other men, then we are told it's time to get back inside.
The teacher has set up colored papers, scissors and paint on the kids desks and a sheet of paper that they have to fill.

"Daddy, can you cut these while I write on that sheet?"
"Of course!" I say kissing his head and grabbing the scissors.
Once we are both done we assemble the paper ties and then he colors one with some paint and on the other I help him gluing buttons.
When all the kids are finished the teacher tells them to give the paper ties to their dads.
"These are for you dad!" Alex says happily
"They are amazing! What do you think if I wear one of the on the red carpet?" I ask and he laughs
"That would be funny!"

After cleaning the desks and saying bye to his classmates and teacher we head back home.Charlotte and Ellie are out to buy the dress for the dance on Friday.
"Go change" I tell him
After we are both in our comfortable clothes we cuddle up on the sofa and watch a movie, waiting for our girls.

A/nHi! Hope you are liking the story!Since this chapter is already a bit longer than usual I chose to write the dance part in the next one along with Ellie's birthday

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Hi! Hope you are liking the story!
Since this chapter is already a bit longer than usual I chose to write the dance part in the next one along with Ellie's birthday.
Have a great day!

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