Chapter 7 - Meeting the Avengers

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*Tom pov*
Once landed in New York and claimed our bags, I called a cab to bring us to the Hotel.

"How may I help you Sir?" A young man at the reception asks
"I've got a room for 4 people under Hiddleston"
"Yes...this are your keys. Room 124 on the fourth floor"
We got in the elevator, which is made almost entirely of glass and got to our floor.
"Get in" I say once I opened the door
The kids start to look around and choose on which bed they are going to sleep.
I hear Charlotte calling me from one of the bedrooms
"Yes darling?" I say once there
"Did you seriously ask them to put two separate beds for us?"
"I uhm...ehehehe. I...yes" She just stand there, near the bed looking at me "We never shared a bed, so I chose two separate beds because i didn't want you to feel uncomfortable sleeping with me...I just wanted you to have a choice"
She takes a few steps forward untile she is inches away from me
"You know, you're cute when you are all nervous" she says smiling
"Let's join the beds Tom"
I take her hands and look her in the eyes
"Are you sure?"
"Yep! Now come help me"
I kiss her head softly and we start to join the beds.
Once we get in the kids room we find them passed out, we both take a shower, individually of course, eat something from room service and hit the bed too.
I lay with my left arm open and Charlotte snuggles in my side, then I bring my arm over her shoulder and kiss her once more before closing my eyes.

Alex wakes me up at 8 pm, we definitely slept a lot!
"Ellie and I are hungry" he says
"All right...let's leave mummy here to rest and we can order something"
We go in the other room where Ellie is waiting for us
"What would you like to eat?"
"Pizza" they say
"Good choice! Toppings?"
"Pepperoni" Ellie says
"Is pepperoni good for you too?" I ask Alex
He nods
While they watch tv I order their pizza and drinks plus Charlotte and I pizza and drinks.

20 minutes later room service comes, I send Ellie to wake her mother up while Alex and I choose a movie to watch.

"Mmm pizza!" Charlotte says entering the little kitchen
"Yummy!" Alex says after eating a slice
"It is very good indeed" I say

After dinner we all got on the sofa and watched The Jungle Book, my favorite Disney movie.
It came to the parte where Mowgli and Baloo sing The Bare Necessities, and I decide to tag along

"Look for the bare necessities
The simple bare necessities
Forget about your worries and your strife
I mean the bare necessities
Old Mother Nature's recipes
That bring the bare necessities of life.
Wherever I wonder, wherever I roam
I couldn't be fond-" I stop singing when I notice the three of them staring at me
"It's cute..." Charlotte says and the kids and I break into a laugh

Once the movie ends and we put the kids to bed, we go as well.
Charlotte lay down and I slip near her, we end up falling asleep hugged.

At 9 the morning after we are at the studios for my reshoots.
We settle in my trailer waiting for someone to call me.
About 30 minutes later there's a knock on the door and I leave, it takes me an hour to shoot then I'm back in the trailer
"Come with me" I say to Charlotte Ellie and Alex
The three of them follow me in a big room when the cast usually has lunch or take a break
I get in first and see my co-stars there
"Hey guys!"
"Reindeer Game!" Downey says
"Hi...uhm I want you to meet someone" I say as I let them step in
"So, this is Charlotte my girlfriend and her two amazing kids, Ellie and Alex...guys these are Robert, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett, Mark and Jeremy"
The kids take a step forward with big smiles plastered on their faces
"Oh yes...they are big Marvel fans" I add
They shake hands and hugs with my co-stars and then it's Charlotte's turn.

*Charlotte pov*
My turn, finally!
After meeting them we make small talks until Robert pulls me away from the rest of the group
"So..." he says
"How's he treating you?"
"Perfectly! I've never been treated like he treats me before, I'm a lucky woman and so are my kids"
"Tom is a very good man, he's sweet, kind, smart...painfully smart, and very romantic...don't ask me how I know he is romantic, I just do"
"He is! A true knight in shining armor"
"You guys are very cute...and Ellie and Alex are some amazing kids, I see Tom's eyes sparkle when he looks at them or at you"
"He's pretty awesome yeah..."
"I haven't known Tom for long, but he's a keeper trust me"
"I know..."
We talk a bit more and at the end of our conversation he pulls me in a tight hug and kisses me on both cheeks
Robert is a very kind man, easy to be friends with.
At the end of the day we all decide to grab some dinner together in a restaurant and talk more about work, life in general, all the adventures of my work and theirs and what are the kids favorite things to do.

We got back to the hotel pretty tired but happy, especially the kids who met their favorite actors and actress.
Awesome day...and we still got 5 more!

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