Chapter 88 - Ellie's surprise

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*Charlotte pov*

The day after was Ellie big surprise, or sort of...she knows we are going to meet with Chase family but doesn't know when.
So after waking up and eating a good breakfast we went down town once again, today we are going to visit the Pantheon, the Vatican City and the Trevi fountain.
Once we arrived we started to get in line to buy the tickets and I spotted Chase mom, Laura.
Ellie was in front of me se she didn't see Chase approaching her.
He snaked his arms around her and she squealed
"Hi bestie!" He says letting go of her only to be embraced once again by my daughter, the two shared a long hug as Tom Alex and I greeted his parents.
"How are the babies doing?" Laura asks
"Oh they are very good"
"Growing way to fast by my liking!" Tom says
Even today we have them strapped to our chests and so they can interact with people near them.
When we got our tickets we entered the pantheon
"This is so beautiful!" Ellie says
"You guys wanna know how high that is?" I say pointing to the oculus, the kids nod and I proceed to tell them: "then ask Tom!"
"Eheheh...the hight and the diameter of the oculus is 142 feet, which are 43 meters"
"Huge!" Chase says
We continue our tour and soon find ourselves eating lunch and go visit the Trevi fountain, where we of course took lot of photos.
"What are they doing daddy!" Alex asks
"The legend says that if you throw a coin in the fountain you can make a wish and it will become real"
"Oh, can we do it?"
Tom hands Ellie Alex and Chase a coin each and on the count of three they throw it and make a wish. I then grab a coin from my own purse and do the same as Tom takes a pic of me.
"That is a wonderful photo my dear!" He says showing it to me
"Thank you!"

After grabbing a real ice-cream, which in Italy they call 'gelato' and Tom made us try the 'stracciatella' flavor, so good, we start our drive to the Vatican City

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After grabbing a real ice-cream, which in Italy they call 'gelato' and Tom made us try the 'stracciatella' flavor, so good, we start our drive to the Vatican City.
Rome is a beautiful city, full to the brim of history told by monuments and buildings, and Vatican City is just the same!
As we were, once again waiting in line I saw Tom posting a photo of the twins he took this morning, they are just so cute!

Rome is a beautiful city, full to the brim of history told by monuments and buildings, and Vatican City is just the same!As we were, once again waiting in line I saw Tom posting a photo of the twins he took this morning, they are just so cute!

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*Ellie pov*

I'm enjoying Rome so much, especially now that Chase is here!
We are now in one of the many parks in the city and I'm on the swings with him.
"Ehy!" He says
"I...I need to tell you something"
"Me too, actually"
"Oh, lady first then"
" you go!"
"Ok...I...uhm...I like you Ellie, like more then a friend"
"That's exactly what I wanted to tell you..." I say looking down at my feet
"Good to know I'm not the only one" he says laughing
"Yeah" I say blushing
I suddenly gets down the swing and ran into the nearby grass and come back with a little flower into his hand, kneeling down in front of me, and I only blush more knowing that people are looking at us, thank god mom and dad are not here!
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
He stands up and gives me the flower, a simple daisy and gives me a little kiss on my cheek, then takes my hand and we walk to our parents again, only after stopping to take a couple of pics.

" I say looking down at my feet"Good to know I'm not the only one" he says laughing "Yeah" I say blushingI suddenly gets down the swing and ran into the nearby grass and come back with a little flower into his hand, kneeling down in front of me, a...

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"Do they always tease you like that?" Chase asks me after seeing the comments under my post"Pretty much, but they are awesome uncles!"We finally arrive where the rest of our families are and go find a nice place to have dinner

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"Do they always tease you like that?" Chase asks me after seeing the comments under my post
"Pretty much, but they are awesome uncles!"
We finally arrive where the rest of our families are and go find a nice place to have dinner.

After eating a phenomenal pizza, we return to our hotel and into our bedrooms.
" and chase uh!" Dad says as he sits on the couch bringing mom to sit on his leg
"Yep...we where on the swings and he picked a daisy for me, got down on one knee and asked me to be his girlfriend" I say blushing once again
"Uh...good kid, you can keep him" he says playfully
Mom laughs and kisses me goodnight.
I send a last text to chase and fall asleep immediately.

Hope you like the chapter and are happy with the little romance going on between Ellie and Chase!
Comments and votes are well appreciated ❤️

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