Chapter 69 - First meetings

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*Charlotte pov*

It's been a little over an hour since I gave birth and it is now time to let the kids meet their new siblings.
Tom quietly opens the door and slips in, behind him Ellie and Alex.
"Go wash you hands" I hear Tom say
The kids do as told and quickly wash their hands and run over me
"Mom, how are you?"
"Hi! I'm good"
"I missed you" they both say
"I missed my big babies too. Now there is someone that wants to meet you" I say smiling
Tom goes over the cots and brings them closer to my bed. He lifts Lukas and hand him to me and then picks up Kate.
Ellie and Alex sit at the end of the bed looking at their siblings in awe.
"This is Kate sand that is Lukas" Tom says
"They are so cute!" Ellie says running a finger on Kate's forehead
"Do you want to hold them?" I ask
The both nod, Tom carefully put Kate in Ellie's arm and tells her how to safely hold her, then I let Alex sit closer to me and hand him Lukas.
The babies eyes are closed, they are sleeping, their hands closed in little fists and the cutest expressions on their faces.
Tom steps back a put and arm around me
"That is exactly what I always wanted! Thank you so much darling, I love you!" He says whispering.
I look up at him and see a few tears that I wipe away with my finger
"I love you too! Gimme kiss" he smiles and brings his lips on mine, kissing me slowly.
The kids hand us back the twins and walk out to call Chris Luke and Emma.
"How is mummy?" Emma asks and comes over me kissing me on the forehead and looking down at Lukas
"Very sore but good! I'm happy to finally hold them!"
"They are so cute! Good job" she says and then steps back to allow Chris and Luke to come over and congratulate.
I give Lukas to Emma and Tom gives Kate to Luke, they snuggle a bit with the babies as Chris waits patiently for his turn.
After 20 minutes Emma and Luke get out saying that they will bring the kids home to eat something and get a bit rested.
Chris sit on the big chair in the room and smiles at us
"I'm ready to meet my new nice and nephew!" He says with open arms
Tom hands him both twins and he cuddles them carefully, kissing their heads and cheeks every once in a while.
I just sit on my bed looking at the cute picture in front of me: Chris holding the twins and Tom smiling like a kid on Christmas morning.

*Tom pov*

At 10 am we found ourselves alone in the hospital room. Chris joined my mum and the rest of the family at her house for the day.
Sleep has taken over Charlotte and I take my time to finally call Sarah.


"Hello auntie!"
"Yes, guess you weren't watching the mtv awards..."
"Ehm sorry time change and I'm a pregnant lady. Did you win?"
"I did! And in the middle of my speech Evans ran up on stage telling me that my wife water broke"
"At the awards? Oh god!"
" went to the hospital and at 05:17 and 05:24 she gave birth"
"Awwww! Send me pics please! Can I now know the twins names?!"
"Kate and Lukas Hiddleston"
"I love the names! How are they and Charlotte?"
"Babies are totally healthy, Charlotte is sore but she's doing ok, she's asleep now and so are the babies. How are you doing?"
"I'm good, the baby is kicking quite a lot"
"Glad to hear it, I can't wait for you to come home and meet them, I miss you a lot!"
"We miss all of you too, we should fly to London in two weeks"
"Really? That's good"
"I wanted to surprise you and get there in time for the birth but I guess it won't be like that..."
"No...I love you, I have to go Lukas just started crying and I don't want him to wake up Charlotte"
"Love you too!"

After ending the call with my big sister I pick up Lukas and gently rock him back to sleep.
My mother called again to know how things were going and to let me know that Luke went back to his house while Chris will stay here a couple more days but that she offers him to stay with them and he accepted and canceled his hotel reservation.

"Hey" I hear Charlotte saying
"Hey love" I say walking over to her
She makes some space near her and tap the mattress saying that she wants me to lay with her
"Come here" I say opening my arms, she snuggle in my chest as she always does when we are in bed, kisses my neck and close her eyes again.
I softly stroke her hair and once she is back asleep I take a lost look on the twins and join her in dreamland.

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