Chapter 30 - Father's day part 2

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*Tom pov*

Today is Friday...that means Ellie and I have the daddy-daughter dance to attend.
The other day she went to buy a dress with Charlotte and didn't let me see it, I also chose not to let her see what I'm going to's all going to be a surprise.
The actual dance stars at 8 pm but I want it to make it even more special so I'm going to bring her out for dinner too.

Right now I'm fixing my tie and I still have to do my hair, which I'm going to pull back.
Once I'm done I grab the bouquet and exit the house.
I ring the doorbell and I hear Charlotte saying to Ellie to go open it.
I'm amazed of how beautiful and grown up she looks in that dress
"Wow...hello my sweet Ellie!"
"Hi dad, you look really handsome!"
"And you look really beautiful, this is for you" I say handing her the flowers.
We say goodbye to Charlotte and Alex and drive to the restaurant.
When we arrive I open her door and we get inside where a young man shows us to our table.
"What do you want to eat darling?"
"Mmm...pasta with shrimps"
"Very good"
We order our dishes and do a little conversation as we wait
"I'm excited for tonight dad"
"I am too, can't wait to dance with my little princess"
"So once we get there we have to give our names and a teacher will give us the tags and then there will be something to drink and dessert to eat, then when the teacher will say it we can start to dance and the father daughter couple that dances the best will receive a King and Princess crown"
"Oh wow!"
Finally our meals arrive and we eat enjoying the company.
Once finished I pay and we drive to Ellie's school.

The building is decorated even outside and there is a little red carpet.
Ellie grabs my hand and leads me inside, where at a desk there is one of her teachers.
"Good evening Mr. Tucker!"
"Good evening to you too Ellie, I must say you look pretty! You are here to have the tags?"
"Yes, Ellie and Tom Hiddleston please"
He searches for our name tags and gives them to us when he finds them.
"Thank you!" Ellie says
"You are welcome, and it's very nice to meet you Mr. Hiddleston" he says
"Nice to meet you too Mr. Tucker"

We enter the gym that was transformed into a beautiful ball room with lots of sparkly lights.
"Can I go say hi to my friends?"
"Sure! I'll come by in a few minutes, what do you want to drink?"
"Your choice!" She says as she walks away
As I make my way to the drinks table I still watch over Ellie, she talking and laughing with a couple of other girls from her class.
After a couple of minutes I walk to her.
"Here's your drink darling" I say
"Thanks dad!"
"You are very welcome, can I meet your friends?"
"Sure! Girls this is my dad Tom, dad this is Julie, Amber and Stella"
"Nice to meet you Mr. Hiddleston" the girls say
"My pleasure girls!"
We talk with her friends and their dads about school, sports and other activities they like to do and then the music starts.
"Ladies and Gentlemen you can start dancing!" The dj says

"May I have this dance?" I ask Ellie
I gently take her hand and lead her on the dance floor.
We sway around as the first song plays, it's a slow beat so we take it easy, I must say she is a good dancer.
On the third slow song she hugs me tight and I hug her back, then she stops and looks up at me, and I can clearly see a few tears that threaten to brim from her eyes.
"What's wrong love?" I whisper in her ear
She just hugs me tighter. I gently pick her up and continue to slow dance
"Talk to me baby" I say
"I was just thinking at how lucky I am to have you as my dad. I remember how my biological dad used to treat me and it's nothing like this. You are always there from me, if it's homework or if I need to talk, for everything you are always there"
"And I always will be darling. I love you!" I say then I kiss her head just as the music stops.
I put her down and she hugs me once more and says that she loves me too.

There is a little break and all of the dads and daughters, just like Ellie and I, use it to vote the King and Princess and to wait in line to get the pictures taken.
"Next! Pose and smile for me, thanks" he says and snaps a few pictures and instantly prints them.

"Back on the dance floor for the final dances and then, the winners!" The dj says
This time he put more up-beat songs and we show off our skills.

After another 20 minutes the teachers walk on the little stage.
"And now we get to nominate the winners of this year Daddy-daughter dance, Mr Tucker please" a female teacher says
"And the King and Princess of this year father-daughter dance are..." A drum roll makes some suspense "Tom and Ellie Hiddleston! Come up here!" He says
"We won daddy!" She says jumping into my arms
"Yes we did, darling!"
We walk hand in hand on the stage and the principal coronates us and shakes our hands.

Once we say goodbye to teachers, friends and dads we head home.
"I really had fun with you, love!"
"Me too dad, thank you"
"No need to thank me baby, that's what a dad does"
"I love you so much" she says looking at me as I drive
"I love you so much to my sweet Ellie!"

"I really had fun with you, love!""Me too dad, thank you""No need to thank me baby, that's what a dad does""I love you so much" she says looking at me as I drive"I love you so much to my sweet Ellie!"

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