Chapter 91 - Valentine Day dates

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*Tom pov*

A few days before Valentine's Day, Chase came to see me at Donmare Warehouse to properly ask me if I would allow him to go on a date with Ellie on Valentine's Day, he already mentioned it to me on my birthday dinner.
We talked a bit as I was on a break and I told him he could. He came up with a few different ideas on where to take her and what to do.
He settled for taking her to the movies and have a little dinner date in a restaurant near his house that does things for young couples for Valentine's Day.

It's now the 14th and as Charlotte Ellie and I are getting ready for our dates my mum got here to stay with the kids until tomorrow morning since Charlotte and I are spending the night in a hotel.
I fix the tie Charlotte gave to me for Christmas and the engraved bracelet she got me for my birthday. I'm wearing my classic suit and I am now waiting patiently for Charlotte to come downstairs on the sofa posting a pic on Instagram

 I'm wearing my classic suit and I am now waiting patiently for Charlotte to come downstairs on the sofa posting a pic on Instagram

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when Ellie suddenly makes her way down.
I look at my daughter perfect curly hair, the bit of makeup she got on her face and the beautiful flowy dress she's wearing.
I stand up and walk to her taking her small hand in mine and making her twirl, admiring her fully.
"You look so beautiful my sweet girl!" I say giving her a little kiss on the cheek.
"Thank you daddy!" She says hugging me untile the doorbell rings few seconds later
"I guess that's your date..."
I open the door and find Chase wearing a blu tux, and his fathers car behind him.
"Tom, good evening" he says and then looks pst me as Ellie comes closer, so I move a little on the side
"Hi" Ellie says
"Hi, these are for you" he says giving her daisies "and you look beautiful!"
"Thank you! You look very nice too"
"I guess we can go, say bye to mom and have a great night! I'll text you later" she says making me bend down a bit to give me a kiss on the cheek, then I bid goodbye to Chase and close the door.
When I turn Charlotte is at the bottom of the stairs looking at me
" look lovely darling!" I say
"You look handsome!"
I gently kiss her on the lips and help her with her coat and then we make our way out after saying goodbye to Alex, the twins and my mum.

I'm bringing my wife in a restaurant in the city center, I park the car two blocks away from it so we can take a little walk, and as we do we talk about the usual stuff and finally we get to dinner and eat a wonderful meal.

I'm bringing my wife in a restaurant in the city center, I park the car two blocks away from it so we can take a little walk, and as we do we talk about the usual stuff and finally we get to dinner and eat a wonderful meal

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On our way back to the car we walk, my arm around her waist hers around mine. She leans into me more and more every step we take.
"Are you cold love?"
"A bit, and I just want to be near you because I love you so much"
"I love you too" I whisper in her ear
As the streets are pretty busy we stop for a second and lean on a wall to make people walk past us, she turns and steps in front of me grabbing my shirt collar and pulling me in quite a heated kiss that I return for a few seconds but then stop, cause we are out in public.
"Ok..." I say breathless "what has gotten into you?"
"Maybe the wine?"
"I think we should get back to the hotel, yeah?"
"Mhm" She happily mumbles
"Let's get you in bed and rest" I say putting my arm around her again and beginning to walk
"I'm not sure I want to rest..."
"Ok..." I say laughing a bit

Once we are back I sit on the comfy bed in my pj and wait for Charlotte to get out of the bathroom when my phone pings. Both Ellie and Chase texted me.

 Both Ellie and Chase texted me

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She comes out of the restroom in the hotel robe and lays next to me, I take her into my arms and cuddle her as close as I can, whisper an 'I love you' in her ear before shutting the lights off

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She comes out of the restroom in the hotel robe and lays next to me, I take her into my arms and cuddle her as close as I can, whisper an 'I love you' in her ear before shutting the lights off.

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