Chapter 96 - Unicef

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*Tom pov*

A few days before our departure I got a photo shoot done as I was wearing UNICEF shirts and after doing so I decided to finally let the people know what I was going to do in just a few short days.
Out of all the photos they took I came down to two and let Charlotte choose the one I will post.
I grab paper and pencil and begin to write down what I want to post.
After doing so I sit comfortably on the sofa and take out my phone.

The fans are going crazy after reading the news and commented how happy and proud they are for what my family and I did and will be doing over the next two/ three weeks

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The fans are going crazy after reading the news and commented how happy and proud they are for what my family and I did and will be doing over the next two/ three weeks.

After dinner Charlotte and I closed the last bag and got in bed going over some things before falling asleep.

*Charlotte pov*

June the 30 Diana came to collect the twins and say goodbye to us. Luke drove us to the airport and we got on our plane and flew to South Sudan.
Once arrived we were tired but quite happy to be there and do some good.

After we got settled down and rested a bit we changed and walked out our hut and we are immediately engulfed by people of all ages

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After we got settled down and rested a bit we changed and walked out our hut and we are immediately engulfed by people of all ages.
We shake hands and give hugs, Tom speaks a bit with them and they lead us in the very centre of their village.
While Ellie and Alex are entertaining themselves with other kids, our guide shows us around.
"This are all the 'houses', they are not big as you can see, we have a medical camp here" he says moving back a little curtain so we could see what and who's inside.
A few mattresses and beds, medical equipment, tow old people, seven between babies and little kids and of course their moms.
The scene before us made Tom and I tear up a bit. Seeing those kids so malnourished hurts a lot.
After the tour they invited us to have dinner with them and shortly after we got back into our hut and slept peacefully since we were so tired.

- during their stay -
~ general pov ~

The next days they did a lot with and for the village people.
They helped the medical staff taking care especially of the sick kids, they talked with a few mothers. Tom, Ellie and Alex had so much fun playing football with the children as Charlotte took loads of picture of them.
They had fun learning traditional chants and dancing and also eating their typical food.
They helped them getting water, walking for miles.
At the end of the every day they were pretty tired but very satisfied of what they were doing.
Alex and Ellie pointed out various times how good of an experience it was, they were astonished in what conditions those people live, they learned so much and certainly they will keep this experience in their hearts forever.
At the end of the first week they joined the kids in their school and learned with them, speaking a bit of English and a bit of French.

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