Chapter 64 - Birthday party

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*Tom pov*

The next morning I woke up alone in the bed. It was not as early as usual, but not even late.
After going into the bathroom and putting a t-shirt on I descend the stairs, finding my family in the kitchen making what looks like an awesome breakfast.
"Good morning birthday boy!" Charlotte says turning to me
"Happy birthday daddy!" Both kids say running to me and giving me the best hug ever, I bend a little to kiss their heads and then hug my wife gently on the lips
"I think these two are wishing you a happy birthday too since they are kicking quite a lot" she says.
I put my hands on her belly and kneel down to kiss it
"Thanks for the birthday wishes" I softly say kissing the belly once again
They serve me a full English breakfast, just the way I like it.

After cleaning up the kitchen we get dressed a drive to my mum.
I don't even have the time to step out of the car when I'm embraced by both my sisters that wish me a very happy birthday.
I take the time to look at Sarah who is starting to show.
"Look at that! Hi there!" I say, she laughs at me.
We then go in and my mum makes us sit at the table since lunch is ready.
She made my absolute favorite: bangers and mash and of course knowing my love for cakes an awesome banoffee pie.
With the help of my sisters the kids light up the candles and brought the pie on the table, setting it in front of me.
"Make a wish and blow them out!" Alex says
As always I close my eyes for a few seconds and when I open them I blow all the 33 candles
"Well...those were quite a lot of candles you put on it!" I say smiling at them.
My mum cuts the pie and serves it to all of us.

After the delicious meal we all sit down in the living room and chat a bit.
"Time for you to open your present!" My mother says bringing in the room a box with a big green ribbon on it that I take off immediately.
"It's from all of us" Emma says, meaning from her, Sarah, mum and Yakov.
I gently take off the lid and proceed with taking out the papers that hides a beautiful green set of waistcoat, tie, handkerchief and cuff link.
"It's beautiful, thank you so much" I say standing up and hugging them one by one
"You are very welcome, it should fit you just fine"
"I'll try it on once home"
Then the kids bring me another box without wrapping paper on it, just a little note

To the man that changed our lives for the better, to the one that is always present, to the one we love the most: happy birthday!
Charlotte, Ellie, Alex and the twins

I shift a bi in my seat so that I can look at them before opening the box.
Inside I find an Oakmont engraved presentation set with a decanter and six whiskey glasses.
"Thank you! I know just where to put this!" I say and then hug and kiss them.
Shortly after we say goodbye and drive back to our house only to get freshen up and change to go out, where I don't know, they are keeping me in the dark.

"Tom, are you ready?"  She asks from the bedroom
"Yes" I say exiting the bathroom fully dressed in my best suit, just as she requested
"Perfect, let go!" She takes my hand leading me to our car; the kids in the back as always, Charlotte on the driver's side and I near her.
Just as she starts the car Ellie carefully puts a blind on my face
"Don't take it off!" She warns

I think it takes us about 30 minutes to get there, someone opens the door for me. I feel a little hand take my left and a slightly bigger one take my right.
They lead me inside, we take the elevator and after we walk into a room, or at least I think.
Charlotte takes my blindfold off and I slowly open my easy, we are in a pitch black room, but someone finally switches the lights on, it takes me time to adjust to it and when I finally do I hear "SURPRISE!" and see the Avengers cast, Ben and Sophie and even Eddie Redmayne.
"Wow! Hi to all of you!" I say still a bit shocked of the surprise party Charlotte organized for me.
I turn to her and bring her in a warm hug expressing my joy for what she did in her ear before kissing her.
The guest come to come and one by one hug me and wish me a happy birthday.
We all eat as we chat and catch up a bit, we drink, we share new stories and pass a great time together knowing well that we don't have many occasions to meet but we do our best.
After blowing off more candles and eating a piece of cake, Robert goes up on the stage.
"Well, the night has been lovely, spending time with all of you celebrating Tom's birthday has been great. There is one thing that I haven't told you yet, a thing that only I know cause Joss asked me to keep it a secret and tell you tonight. So, without further ado, congratulations Tom you've been nominated to the MTV Movie Award for best Villain!"
"Really?" I say joining him on the stage
"Really man!" He says hugging me and the whole room cheers for me.
"Wow, uhm I don't really know what to say, this is awesome! Well thank you all for coming tonight and make this birthday a beautiful one! And I hope to see you at the MTV Awards!"
Shortly after we all say our goodbyes and go back home, doing the minimum before getting in bed and falling asleep happy.

"Wow, uhm I don't really know what to say, this is awesome! Well thank you all for coming tonight and make this birthday a beautiful one! And I hope to see you at the MTV Awards!"Shortly after we all say our goodbyes and go back home, doing the mi...

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