Chapter 38 - Surprise

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- Two weeks later -

*Charlotte pov*

I just got home from picking up the kids from Diana's as I got a few photo shoots to do today, Alex slipped on the pavement outside cutting his knee a bit.
"Come here baby!" I say as I sit on the counter top "Ellie can you go get a band aid in our bathroom please?"
She nods and hours up the stairs, in the mean time I clean the cut with some hydrogen peroxide in order to get all the dirt out
"Mommy it stings!" Alex complains
"I know baby, but this will make it all better" I say
"Here you go mom!" Ellie says handing me a band aid
I put it on my son knee and then I pick him up kissing his head, then I set him down on the floor.
As I turn around I see Ellie with her arms crossed on her chest
"Wanna talk about the pregnancy test laying around on your bathroom sink?" She asks
"Oh! I uhm..."
"Yes?" She says smiling
"Did you see the result?"
"I did!"
"Ok, and what do you think about it?"
"I'm happy!" She says hugging me
"You are? Cool!"
"Yes! You are pregnant mom!"
"What does it mean?" Alex says interrupting our hug. I kneel beside him and take his hands in mine
"It means mommy has a baby in her belly" I say, he smiles brightly starting to understand what is going on
"You are going to be a big brother Alex!" Ellie says hugging him "isn't this exciting?"
"Yesss!" He shouts

After a bit more of hugging we all change in our comfortable clothes and go back down in the kitchen where we eat a couple of snacks.
"Does dad know?" Ellie asks
"No, I took it after he went out this morning, you are the first two to know!"
"Can we tell him tonight?" Alex asks
"Sure...we have to think how to tell him though"
As Ellie eats slowly her fruit I can see her mind thinking.
"I've got an idea!" She says after a bit
"Enlighten us!" I say
"A scavenger's going to be fun for him!"
"Oh fun! And we can hide in the house!" Alex chimes in
"That's a very good ideas guys, let's get to work!"

We take out papers and pens and start to think about what to write for the clues. We end up writing six clues and we scatter them around the house, in the right places.

Once the clock turns six thirty the door opens and closes short after. And we take our hiding spots.

*Tom pov*

No answer
"Anybody home?"
Again no answer
They must be home, Charlotte car is here and the door was unlocked...where is everyone?
After taking off my shoes I reach the kitchen and as I put my car keys on the counter I see a little paper  'Scavenger hunt - Clue#1' written on it.
I grab the little paper and flip it

'Hey baby! I'm so glad you're here! It's been a long day, you should grab yourself a beer'

Ok...I don't usually drink beer before eating dinner, not even during but...let's follow the clue. I get to the fridge and when I open it I find another note on a beer bottle.

'The next clue on your hunt will keep you on your toes, go to the place where we hang our clothes!'

That could be either in the hallway or our closet. I decide to search in our bedroom closet first and there I find the third one

'Now go ahead and get changed from the day. Once you are comfy find your next clue where records play!'

I take my jeans and shirt off and change into some grey sweatpants and a white T-shirt, then I descend the stairs and go in the living room where the record player is.

'Wanting more? Why don't you check the front door?'

I walk in the hallway and on the front door I find another piece of paper, how did I not noticed it when I got home and closed the door?
I slowly flip the paper, smiling to myself trying to figure out what all of this is

'Don't worry your search is almost over, check behind the Telly and you'll get some closure!'

I laugh at the term Telly, knowing that they never use it and then walk once again in the living room and after searching blindly on the back of the tv I find a new clue, the sixth one.

'Before the hunt ends give me some lovin! Then go look, there's something baking in the oven!'

I make my way in the kitchen where I finally see the three of them, the kids sitting on the counter and Charlotte standing in front of the oven.
"Hi!" She says
I approach her and kiss her lips sweetly
"What's all this?" I ask pulling back
"You still got the oven to search Mr." she says smiling and the kids giggle.
I bend just enough to get the oven open and get my next clue, the last one!

'The suspense is over, you don't have to wait anymore!
The surprise is our sweet little family is increasing to five!'

I read the note at least three times, not because I don't understand what it means but because I'm stunned!
I slowly turn to them, they are all smiling.

", you really are?" I ask taking Charlotte's hands in mine
"I really am!" She says
"Oh!" I feel a couple of years running down my cheeks and then I kiss her.
I drop down to my knees and lift her t-shirt just a bit and place little kisses on her belly.
She slowly runs her hands in my hair and pull me up again
"You are crying baby" she says softly wiping away a couple of tears, she also has tears eyes
"I know...don't worry those are happy tears!" We hug for a couple of minutes and then the kids join in.
"How long have you know?"
"Since this morning! Can you believe it? We're pregnant!"
"God! That was fast!" I say laughing a bit
"Yep!" She says.

After dinner we play some games and then tuck the kids to bed.
Once we are in our bed I pull her body close to mine
"Can we keep this a secret for a bit, just for the four of us?" I ask
"Sure! I'll call the doctor tomorrow so we can schedule an appointment to make sure everything is fine and see how far along I am"
"I'm so happy! It's amazing...god I love you so much!"
"I love you too Tom!" She says coming closer to me.

We fall asleep hugged to one another afte whispering sweet nothings in each other ears and sharing soft little kisses.



Well, well, well...
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