Chapter 66 - Date night

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*Tom pov*

Today is a special day: I'm taking Charlotte out for our very last date night before the babies come. It's still the last few days of March but with everything that is coming up in the next two weeks we are afraid that in the end we will not make it.
I bought her a dress and I'm going to wear her favorite suit.
"Baby, can I come in?" I ask from outside the bathroom
I open the door and se her standing in front of the mirror putting her hair up in a cute bun
"I just wanted to tell you that there is a dress on the bed waiting for you" I say wrapping my hands around her
"Mhm, come on, I'll zip it up for you and then I'll get ready" I tell her grabbing her hand and bringing her back in the bedroom where she gets rid of her robe and gently slips in the dress then waiting for me to zip it up and help her in the jacket
"I'll wait you downstairs" she says grabbing her empty bag and exiting the room

I put on a white dress shirt, leaving the top two buttons open just like she likes and tuck it neatly in my black dress pants. After slipping on jacket and socks I'm ready to join her and go to our dinner.
As I descend the stairs I see Ellie taking a picture of a sleeping Charlotte.
"Can you send me that?"
" scared me!" She whispers
"Eheheheh sorry baby" I say kissing her head
After a few seconds I hear my phone ping and Ellie winks at me.
I go over to Charlotte and gently sit on the sofa, putting my hand on her cheek and stroking it softly
"If you are too tired to go out we'll stay in"
"No, no. Let's go" she says opening her eyes
"Are you sure?" I look at her smiling
She answers by stamping a kiss on my lips and grabbing my hands signaling that she wants me to help her up.
I slip her shoes on and hand her her bag, then we exit and start our short drive to the restaurant.

When we arrived they showed us to our table where candles and rose petals are laid on the table just as I requested

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When we arrived they showed us to our table where candles and rose petals are laid on the table just as I requested.
"You did this?"
"Well they did this after my request, but yes, do you like it?"
"I love it, and you!"
She says and kisses me.

*Charlotte pov*

We sit at our table and order our usual dinner making a long conversation about how far we've come in our relationship, about the kids, about the future and start to think and plan what to do when Tom will be away for long. We've come to the conclusion that it's best if the kids are home schooled so that we will be able to follow Tom pretty much everywhere. Of course me staying alone with for kids was not the best option and Tom said that it will not be a problem and that he will love having his family near him during filming time that can be very stressful sometimes.
"We can go darling, there's a few more thing at home waiting for you" he says holding my hand.
We get up get our coats and go back to the car.
"That was nice, thank you. It's going to pass a long time before we will be able to go n another date"
"Possibly" he says laughing
While he drives he grabs my hand and only leave it when he needs to shift gears.
Once back home I look around and don't see either hear the kids, strange because not only is not that late and also cause it's Saturday night and they are allowed to stay up more.
"Uh...where are our children Tom? I thought you called the nanny..."
"Uh no...they are having a sleepover at Emma's. It's all perfectly organized, don't worry just enjoy the rest of our romantic evening. Come!" He says taking my hand for the like fiftieth time tonight and leading me upstairs.
"What have you planned Mr.?"
"We'll...for starters while you get undressed I will ran us a bubble bath and I'm afraid for the rest you'll have to wait"
He soon disappears in the bathroom and as he said I get undressed and put my white robe on.
After a few short minutes he opens the door, he too in his robe, and pulls me in, showing the perfectly filled and bubbly bath with candles and petals.
"Care to join me in there?" He asks
We get in the tub, me leaned on his chest, and we enjoy in silence the warm water surrounding our bodies and the wonderful smell the candles are emanating.
When we are satisfied of our bath we get dried and dressed. He then tells me to lay on the bed and as I do so he proceeds to turno on some music, making sure that the first song playing is 'Make you feel my love' our song, and then grabs some scented oil and gives me the best feet and legs massage.

 He then tells me to lay on the bed and as I do so he proceeds to turno on some music, making sure that the first song playing is 'Make you feel my love' our song, and then grabs some scented oil and gives me the best feet and legs massage

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Thank you so much for the 16k!!!❤️
Sorry for the late update today...

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