Chapter 8 - Rooftop photos

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*Charlotte pov*
During the next three days, when Tom didn't have to do reshoots, we visited New York together.
The kids and I never been there and Tom showed us around, we went to Central Park, Times Square, Statue of Liberty, MOMA, Broadway Theatre and last but not least at the World Trade Center memorial of 9/11.
We have a day left and today Tom and the Avengers cast have a photo shoot, so right now we are driving to the shoot location to meet with the others.

20 minutes later we find ourselves on the top of a building, everyone is here already, but we seem to have a problem...or two...
The group of actors approaches us
"Where's Evans?" Tom asks
"Oh he had to go back to Boston...emergency" Scarlett says
"Oh...too bad!" I say
"Why the long faces?" Tom asks
"Ugh...the photographer is double booked!" Robert says
"And he chose the others..." Hemsworth says
"So now we are on top of a building for a photo shoot without a photographer!" Jeremy says
"Ehehehe..." Tom laughs
"'s not fun!" Hemsworth says
"I'm laughing because I have the perfect solution! Call the Russo's" Tom says
Mark takes a few steps towards the Russo brothers and calls them over
"What is your solution Tom?" Anthony asks
"Well...did everyone forgot that my beautiful girlfriend is a photographer?" He says looking at me smiling
"Right!" Scarlett says
"Do you have your camera?" Joe asks
"I never leave the house without it!"
"All right then...let's get to work!"
I take out everything I need and make the kids step aside for the shoot

"Tom step in front of them, your back turned to me and do something...whatever you want" I instruct
Tom does so and puts his arms in front of his chest like he's fighting Robert
"Perfect! Now join the!"
They all smile and change a few poses
Then I take smaller groups photos, like Chris and Tom and then a few more of Tom and Robert, Scarlett Tom Mark and Chris where they are not posing.

After a couple of hours we wrap it up, Mark Jeremy, Scarlett and Chris have to go back to their places while Robert stays with us.
So we decide to go back to Central Park and let the kids play around a bit while the three of us talk
"You guys are a very cute couple!"
"Ehehehe...thank you Robert" Tom says and I keep blushing
"Tom is...what we needed..." I say
Tom looks at me and wraps his arms around me and kisses my lips
"Wooowo" Robert shouts
"Shhh...stop!" Tom says and then laughs
We spend another couple of hours together then we say goodbye and part ways.

We go back to our hotel and pack our bags, ready to leave in the morning.
"I've had a very fun time here!" Ellie says
"Me too!" Alex joins
"I'm happy you did"
"I did too...thank you Tom"
He takes my hand and kisses it and the kids smile.
We relax a bit and I look over at the photos I took earlier today and tell Tom that they should be ready by the end of the week and if the want previews I can send them.
We snuggle up on the couch, the kids watch a movie and we enjoy our little talk.

*Tom pov*
Being in New York with Charlotte and the kids has been awesome!
We visited places together when I wasn't busy filming and the kids enjoined their time on set.
Robert, Scarlett, Chris H, Chris E, Jeremy and Mark loved Charlotte and she loved them...Robert spent some time alone with her almost every day, I already know that they became instantly close.

Charlotte sends me the previews of the pictures and I decide to text the group chat.

Charlotte sends me the previews of the pictures and I decide to text the group chat

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