Chapter 93 - Sick mommy

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*Tom pov*

It's a few weeks later, filming is going good, really good!
Today will be quite the lazy day on set, I don't have to be in till 8.30, luckily for me because Charlotte is sick. She has the cold and she woke up tonight with a very stuffy nose and a headache. No sitters are available and the only people I know here are my co stars that are of course requested on set, just as I am.
So today's plan is: taking at least the twins with me, leaving Ellie home to take care of her mother. I'd rather stay home too but Charlotte forced me to go.
So I am now dressing the twins in warms outfits as I call Guillermo.

"Hi Thomas"
"Hi...uhm...I'm running a bit late and I'm bringing the twins, Charlotte is sick and we have no sitters available"
"It's ok, don't worry, I'll see you soon"
"Thanks!" I end the call and smile to my babies
"You, are coming to work with daddy today" I say tickling them lightly.
Then I come across Alex who tells me he has a pretty packed day with his online school so I decide to leave him home as well.

"Have a great day dad" Ellie says handing me the twins bag
"You too, call me if you need anything"
"Sure, love you!"
"Love you too"
And with a last wave and a light kiss on Charlotte head, she's sleeping, I leave the house and get in the car.

"Have a great day dad" Ellie says handing me the twins bag"You too, call me if you need anything""Sure, love you!""Love you too"And with a last wave and a light kiss on Charlotte head, she's sleeping, I leave the house and get in the car

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*that's an o not a 9*

40 minutes later I reach set, I put Kate and Lukas in their stroller and walk to the trailers.
I say good morning to a few people and finally make it to my trailer where I have just the time to change in my 'working clothes' and I'm called into the make up trailer. So again I push the kids into yet another trailer and find my seat.

Soon after Jessica comes in smiling bright
"Someone is late today!" She remarks
"I know, Charlotte is sick, I've left Ellie and Alex home to take care of her and came here with the twins" I say trying to stop the urge to yawn due to my lack of sleep, being preoccupied for my wife
"Awww, I'm sorry for Charlotte, hope she gets better soon, I'll send here a text later"
"Thanks, I hope that too and that the twins won't fuss today. I mean they usually don't but who knows..."
She gently pats my shoulder and goes over to the twins just as the make up artist comes in
"Morning Tom!"
"Hi Tory"
"Let's get some make up on you face yeah?"
"Go for it!"
What did I just say? That I hoped the twins won't fuss right? And here Lukas goes...screaming his lungs out
"Oh no, what's wrong hun?" Jessica says gently rubbing his tummy soothingly
"Your kids are here?" Tory says
"Yup, two out of four"
Lukas keeps crying so I ask Jessica to bring him to me
"Come to papa baby. What is it?  Do you miss mama?" I say kissing his head and cradling him in my arms "oh I miss her too, but please stop crying, or your sister will wake up and starts to cry too..."
Thankfully Tory is able to keep doing her job as I try to calm my son.

"All done here" Tory says after an hour, speaking softly not to wake up a finally asleep Lukas in my arms.
"Thank you"
Putting Lukas back in his stroller and draping the blanket over him again, I'm helped by Jessica to make the three steps down the trailer and we walk to set.

Once we are in we meet Mia and a few other actors and Guillermo.
"How's it going man?" He asks
"Could be better..."
"Sorry, if you need a break just tell me"
"You are too kind"
He just smiles to me and leaves.
I put the twins aside making sure they are not in the way, giving them a last glance and a last little kiss on their foreheads, and as I turn I almost bump into an assistant
"Tom, morning" he says quietly
"Hi Greg, how are you?"
"All good, Guillermo sent me here to take care of the twins"
"Don't worry I have five nieces and two nephews, kids love me"
"I don't know how to thank you, in the bag there's everything you might need"
"No problem"

"And...cut!" Guillermo yells "that's it for today, good job everyone!"
We all applaud and then walk in different directions, Mia, Jessica and I into a trailer to take off our make up and then into our own ones to get back in our clothes.
As I enter mine the first thing I see are the twins, sitting on the carpet laughing and playing.
"Thank you so much Greg"
"Don't even say it, these two are awesome kids! Hope you have a great night!" And then he steps out.
I pick up both twins and sit for a bit on the sofa cuddling with them as they chew on my fingers.

At 7 I'm home, Alex comes running to me asking what I've done today and I take a little time to tell him.
I change Kate and Lukas and leave them playing supervised by Alex and walk towards mine and Charlotte room, finding Ellie closing the door behind her
"Hi daddy"
"Hi sweet" I say hugging her "how did it go?"
" still doesn't feel really good but better than this morning"
"Thank you so much for taking care of her" I tell her kissing her cheeks
"Mhmh...Alex and I were thinking that we could make some soup and bring it up for the two of you"
"Thank you, but the twins-" and this is where she cuts me off
"We'll feed them and put them to bed at 9"
"Are you sure? You must be tired after taking care of mum and following Alex with his homework"
"We are sure, plus you are more tired than we are and mom will be so happy if you cuddle her in you arms"
"She will, thank you angel!"
"See you in a bit"
I step in, not making much noise, I don't what to wake her up. I take a quick shower and change in comfy clothes, slipping in bed next to my sick love.
I gently take her in my arms and she stirs a bit, turning to me, but her eyes are closed.
She puts her nose agains my t-shirt and sniffs
"You're home..."
"Yes, did you just sniff me?" I ask softly
"Don't make fun of me, I slept the whole day on your pillow, trying to find some sort of comfort, but each time I woke up I could smell your scent and I thought you were home but then I opened my eyes and you weren't"
I pull her closer to me and kiss her lips softly
"You'll get sick"
"I don't care"
"I missed you"
"Me too darling"
"Read to me?"

I stretch and grab William Shakespeare book that is on my bedside table and open it on sonnet 18, the same sonnet I read to her before telling her I loved her, and since that day it became her favorite.

"Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of may,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date:
Sometimes too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimmed:
And every fair from fair sometimes declines,
By chance or nature's changing course, untrimmed;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st;
Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st:
So long as man can breathe, or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee"

After closing the book we both shift a bid lower in bed and fall asleep...I guess we are going to skip dinner...

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