Chapter 86 - Romantic first annyversary

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*Tom pov*

On Sunday morning I wake up early, like I usually do, and quietly go downstairs to prepare Charlotte our breakfast. Today, after all is our first year anniversary.

I make pancakes with some syrup on top and cut strawberries in hearts shape, then pour some orange juice in two cups and head upstairs.
She there, laying beautifully on our bed, her hair spread perfectly on her pillow.
I put the tray down on the bed side table and slip in bed again, wrapping my arms around her sleeping form and getting her closer to my body.
I start to lay gentle kisses on her neck and face and after a minute or two she starts to stir awake.
"Good morning beautiful" I say
"Morning" she says turning a bit more to me, so that now we are face to face
"Happy anniversary!"
"Happy anniversary Tom"
Finally she kiss me romantically on the lips, so much that makes us breathless pretty soon.
"I love you more than anything" I whisper, still ghosting my lips on hers
In response she kisses me again, this time shorter.

We sit in bed with the tray over our legs and eat the breakfast in a comfortable silence, only once we are done I start to speak.
"So...Emma is picking up the kids in about two hours. You have time to take a shower and relax a bit before we go out"
"All four of them? I mean I trust her completely and she is a sweetheart, but isn't that a bit much?"
"Don't worry, everything is organized" I say kissing her forehead softly
"Ok...I'll go and take a shower then"
I smile at her as she walks out and enters the bathroom.
I then go to the twins, who are growing way to fast by the way, and find the awake in their cribs
"Good morning my beautiful babies!" I say in a sweet voice
I pick them up, change their nappies and clothes and bring them downstairs, I sit them in their high chairs and start on their food, yes last week they started to eat solid food, so far so good...except for the couple of times that they spit it all over me...
As I'm warming their breakfast, both Alex and Ellie arrive in the kitchen, saying good morning and instantly grabbing cereal and milk.

Soon after feeding the twins Emma walks in, she has a key for emergencies
"Good morning everyone! Who's ready to spend a full day and night with their aunt?"
"Me!" Alex and Ellie exclaim
"Very well!"
They quickly go to the bathroom and change as I help my little sister put all the kids stuff in her car, including the babies car seats.
"All done" i say going back in the house, my sister following
"Thank you Tommy!"
"No thank you Emmy" I say hugging her and giving her a kiss on her cheek

"Hi dear!"
The two hug and go over some conversation until our kids are ready to go, we bid goodbye and change to go on our little adventure.

"Emma!""Hi dear!"The two hug and go over some conversation until our kids are ready to go, we bid goodbye and change to go on our little adventure

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"Where are you taking me, handsome?"
"What about horse back riding?" I say as I pull up at the stables out of London in open country side.
"Yay, I always wanted to go!"
"Your first time!"
"Yep, thanks to you!"
I kiss her softly and then help her get out

"Ah, Mr. Hiddleston! Please follow me!" Jack, the owner says
We follow him on the short path and he brings us to the numerous horses.
"This is Sugar, she's is going to be your horse for the day!"
"Only one?" Charlotte asks
"Yes, you are riding with me" I say to my wife sliding an arm around her
"I've known Mr. Hiddleston for years, I am the one that taught him how to properly ride a horse"
"Very true, and after all these years I still have to tell you that Tom is just fine, Jack"
"True...we'll maybe next time? Now go and enjoy your day, lovebirds!" He says bidding us goodbye after giving us all the necessary to ride.

We hop on the horse and start our journey.
Charlotte is hugging me from behind, where she is sitting, and resting her head on my shoulder, occasionally snapping a few pictures.

"I love you so much!" She mumbles in my jacket"I love you too my beautiful photographer!"We continue our ride for about two hours until we reach our destination: an immense grass with a blanket and food on it

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"I love you so much!" She mumbles in my jacket
"I love you too my beautiful photographer!"
We continue our ride for about two hours until we reach our destination: an immense grass with a blanket and food on it.
"For us?"
"Yes, my love"

I get down and, after securely putting my hands on her hips, help her down Sugar.
"Good girl!" Charlotte says caressing the horse
We sit down and enjoy lunch and romantic time together.

At four pm we went back to jack and thanked him for everything he has organized for us, then drove back home, arriving two hours later

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At four pm we went back to jack and thanked him for everything he has organized for us, then drove back home, arriving two hours later.
As we got in Charlotte immediately noticed the candle lit dining room, set table and dinner ready.
"Do I have to thank Luke again?" She says turning to me?"
"For setting everything yes, for the dinner me!"
"That's what you were doing last night when I went to bed?"
"Yes, no please join me to the table?"

We ate dinner, not all of it cause we were still pretty stuffed with all the goodies Jack made for us.
"Now, come my darling"
"Where are you taking me?"
"Trust me"
I gently grab her hand and bring her into our bedroom, that Luke decorated with flower petals, candles and chocolates.
In the middle of the bed layed 100 red roses
"Oh Tom..."
"You like it?"
"I do!" She says smiling and kissing my lips softly "we have to repeat last year..." she says smirking and blushing a bit
"I was thinking that too..." I say as I bring her to lay down on our soft bed.

" I say as I bring her to lay down on our soft bed

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Hope you like this chapter! Have a great day❤️

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