Chapter 80 - Sick

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*Charlotte pov*

I am awaken from my very peaceful sleep by something, what I don't really know...
The other side of the bed is cold and empty, not that we occupy all the bed when we sleep...probably a little bit more than a half since we sleep hugged, still Tom side is cold.
I turn my head and see that it's only 4.57 am and notice that the little light that hangs above the bathroom sink is on and after a second I hear noise coming from it.
I lift myself up from the comfy bed and go check the bathroom only to find Tom bent over the toilet vomiting.
The wooden floor makes noise under my feet and my husband notices my presence.
"Go don't have to see me like this" he says weekly as he takes a break
"In sickness and health remember? You did this for me a lot last year" I say kneeling down beside him as he starts to feel sick again.
I run his back in circles, hoping that it will make him feel a bit better.
When he is done he rests agains the cold wall, closing his eyes
"How long have you been here?"
"Uhm...the past half hour, 40 minutes?"
"Oh baby, I'm sorry you feel sick. It's probably from the rain, you looked rather cold last night"
"I was, I hope I'm the only one, I don't want the kids or you to feel sick too"
"Apparently you are not the only one" I tell him as I hear Ellie calling for me
"I'll be right back, don't move I'll help you up"

I make the short walk from our bedroom to Ellie's. She's sitting on her bed and she has turned on her little bedside lamp
"I'm sick, I threw up"
"I'm so sorry, come let's get you changed and wash your face, maybe you'll feel better" I say taking her hand and leading her in the bathroom.
I help her change into a new set of pj, the one she was wearing was a little stained and wash her face and teeth.
I then decide to bring her in my room, I'm probably going to let my two sick loves sleep in there as I clean her bathroom and search some medicine.
I open the door of my room and gently make Ellie lay on my side of the bed, covering her up with a blanket.
I go back in the bathroom, Tom sounds asleep against the wall and I gently shake him awake
"Let's get you to bed" I say taking his slightly sweaty face in my hands
I help him up and change his quite damp t-shirt into a fresh one and lead him too to the bed
"She's as sick as you, waiting for her dad in our bed"
He quietly lays down, Ellie cuddles into his side and I cover them both.
"Let me grab the thermometer"
"Hi daddy" I hear Ellie say
"Hi baby girl"
I come back in a few seconds and take their temperature: 100 Ellie and 101 Tom. I also give them some tablets hoping that it will make their fever go down and help them sleep.

"Try to sleep ok? If you need me I'm in Ellie's room" I kiss both their forehead and leave the room turning off the lights

*Tom pov*

I don't remember how much time has passed since I felt this sick, but let me tell you I haven't miss it one bit, and I'm also sad that Ellie feels the same. Let's hope Alex, the twins and Charlotte won't catch this.
I really hate being sick, and when it's summer it's even worse!
I'm laying back, my eyes closed and I feel Ellie shifting towards me more than she already is, nuzzling her head in my side. I tighten my grip on her and she stops moving
"Are you cold love?"
She nods and I cover us more with the blanket
"Rest now"
Not too long after I feel my eyelids grow heavier and heavier.

*Charlotte pov*

After cleaning Ellie's bathroom I lay on her bed and try to sleep a bit more, but also try to stay alert if they need me.
This is the first time I see Tom sick and Ellie hasn't been sick in a couple of years.
In the morning I'll make them some tea and see if they want to eat something.

When I wake up next is 8, the twins must be hungry, so I go in their room and feed them. Then I bring them downstairs with me, securing them in their portable cots and start to make breakfast for Alex and I.
"Hi mommy!" He says smiling
"Hi, how do you feel?"
"Good why?"
"Daddy and Ellie are sick" I say putting my hand on his forehead, he is not hot so that's good.
"Oh...where are they?"
"In our bed sleeping, let's not disturb them ok?"
"Sure, I'll be very quiet"
"Thank you"
We eat our breakfast and then it's time to check on my sick husband and daughter.
They are still sleeping, their heads don't feel as hot as they were but they probably still have a bit of fever. I kiss them both before going back downstairs and do something with Alex.
Oh it's going to be a 'great' couple of days, I think to myself.
I should probably ask Diana if she can at least watch the twins, I don't really want them to catch the flu or whatever they have.


"Hello darling!"
"Hi, how are you?"
"Very good, you?"
"Ehm...Ellie and Tom are sick"
"Oh dear!"
"They both vomited during the night and they were running a high fever, I hope they feel better soon"
"Do you need me to do anything for you?"
"Yes...I was wondering if you could have the twins for a couple of days, I know it's a lot to ask-"
"Ah nonsense! I'll come get them in 40 minutes. See you then"
"You are a life saver"
"I love you"
"And I you"

We end the call and I start to pack the things Diana will need to take care of Kate and Lukas.

Can't believe this is the 80th chapter! Thank you for all the support❤️
Do you want me to write part two of this chapter and see how it goes????

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