The other Kat.

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We were back at the entrance of the asylum, and Sam pushed open the door as he holds the video camera and a light, while Dean has the EMF meter and I have a crowbar and flashlight.
"Getting readings?" Sam asked making Dean nod.
"Yeah, big time."
'What was that book that I read?'
"This place is orbing like crazy."
"Probably multiple spirits out and about." Dean stated
"Maybe they are going on about their lives not knowing they are dead." I added
"Never thought of that." The oldest of the two Winchesters told making me smile.
"And if these uncovered bodies are causing the haunting..." Sam began before trailing off a bit making Dean finish the sentence off.
"We gotta find 'em and burn 'em. Just be careful though. The only thing that makes me more nervous than a pissed off spirit... is the pissed off spirit of a psycho killer."
As we kept walking through the asylum I looked into the corner to see a bald man strapped into a straitjacket in the corner making me frown as I came to a stop.
'Feel bad they were treated like this.'
"Save us." He told making me tilt my head.
"Come on Kat. We don't wanna lose ya." Sam told making me go to catch up to them.
'Something doesn't feel right.'

As we kept looking Sam and Dean move into separate rooms with Dean making sure I stayed close to him.
"You ok Kat?"
"I'm still trying to work out the book as well as something doesn't seem right here."
"Like when you had the crushing feeling on your chest?"
"No not like that. Like we have the story all wrong."
"Maybe your just a bit stressed. I mean you've only dealt with ghost so far, could be that."
"Dean? Kat? Dean! Kat!" Sam exclaimed making us rush to the room he picked.
Once we got in Dean went rummaging through the bag to get the shotgun.
"Save us from him." She told
"Sam, get down!" Dean exclaimed making Sam throw himself on to the ground.
I quickly ducked to avoid getting hit as Dean shot the ghost making her disintegrate, and we all looked around at one another gasping for air to help calm us a bit before we continued.
"That was weird." Sam stated as I nodded.
"Yeah. You're telling me." Dean told before we began to move towards a different room making Sam follow.
"No, Dean, I mean it was weird that she didn't attack me."
"Looked pretty aggro from where I was standing."
"She didn't hurt me. She didn't even try! So if she didn't wanna hurt me then what did she want?"
"She said save us from him." I told making them look towards me.
"She didn't say anything Kat." Dean stated
"I don't know why but I heard her say it. Believe me or don't but it's what I heard."
"We believe you Kat, don't worry." Sam told as he gave my shoulder a quick squeeze.
"We will always trust you Kat." Dean added making me smile.
"Thank you."
We continued to walk through the halls when a noise came from a room we were passing, making Dean immediately raises his shotgun and Sam flicks on the torch and shines it into the room, as I made sure I had a good grip on my crowbar. We approached a metal bed covered in a ragged sheet and it was on its side. As we neared it we began to see the top of a blonde head behind it, making us brace ourselves. Sam reached out and tips the bed over, making the girl spin around, terrified and gasping towards us.
"It's alright, we're not going to hurt you. It's okay. What's your name?" Dean asked as I lowered the crowbar and showed that I wasn't going to use it.
"Katherine. Kat." She told
'Oh that's interesting.'
"Okay. I'm Dean, this is Sam and Kat."
"Your name is Katherine as well?" She asked
"Katie." I told pointing to myself. "I actually don't like being called Katie but for this we can go with that."
'Weird case.'
"What are you doing here!?" Sam asked
"Um. My boyfriend, Gavin." She told
"Honey if he is taking you to places like this for dates you gotta rethink that relationship." I stated
"Is he here?" Dean asked since we needed to know if he was or wasn't.
"Somewhere. He thought it would be fun, try and see some ghosts. I thought it was all know. Pretend. I've seen things. I heard Gavin scream and..."
"Alright. Kat? Come on. Sam's gunna get you out of here and then we're gunna find your boyfriend."
"No! No. I'm not going to leave without Gavin. I'm coming with you." She told
"I like her."
"It's no joke around here, okay. It's dangerous."
"That's why I gotta find him." She told making the three of us look at each other and Sam shrugs.
"Alright, I guess we gunna split up then. Let's go." Dean told
"Who goes with who?" I asked.
"You go with Sammy and Kat can come with me." He told making me nod.
"Okie dokie."
I watched as Dean told Sam something make Sam roll his eyes, before telling Dean something back before we went out separate ways.

"So can I ask what you and Dean said to one another or is it a secret?" I asked making him chuckle as we made our way down the halls.
"He just told me to protect you. Which I told him I already was going to."
"Aw I feel loved. Besides I can fight." I told as I jokingly pretended like I was fighting Sam.
"Yeah we know. We just want to also keep you safe."
"I get that. I want to keep you two safe as best as I can."
"You are probably one of the best people that's came into our lives."
"One? That is awfully rude Sam, to think you two are the best people in my life and I'm only one." I stated making us laugh.
"You know, I've been meaning to ask. Do you have any family or is it just your mother?"
"I do. My father left when I was around 6 maybe 7 or 8."
"Yeah. Not much to really talk about my family." I stated before we came across a room with someone unconscious on the ground. "Thinking that's Gavin and I really wanna poke him with a stick."
We walk in and Sam crouches down to shake him, making him wake up and freak out.
"Chill man!"
"Hey, Gavin. It's okay, we're here to help." Sam told
"Who are you?"
"My name is Sam and this is Katie. Uh, we found your girlfriend."
"Kat?" He asked getting up "Is she alright?"
'Shouldn't he know we were talking about Kat?'
"Yeah. She's worried about you. Are you okay?"
"He looks ok."
"I was running. I think I fell." He told
"You were running from what?" Sam asked
"There was...there was this girl. Her face. It was all messed up." He told before the usual happened, where he spoke but his mouth didn't really move. "I'm going to be scarred for life now."
'Why do I keep hearing things that aren't being said.'
"Okay listen, did this girl... did she try and hurt you?" Sam asked
"What? No, she...uh..."
"She what?" We both asked at the same time.
"She...kissed me."
"That's all she did?" I asked making him nod.
" she didn't hurt you, physically?" Sam questioned.
"Dude! She kissed me. I'm scarred for life!"
"Bit of repressed memories will help ya there." I stated making Sam give me his are you serious look which resulted in me shrugging towards him.
"Well, trust me, it could have been worse. Now do you remember anything else?" He asked.
"She uh...actually, she tried to whisper something in my ear."
"What?" We both asked since it didn't seem normal.
"I don't know. I ran like hell."
'Well that's helpful.... Dean!'
I felt my chest begin to get heavy and something was telling me to get back to Dean and Katherine.
"Sam, I think we gotta find Dean."
"Why do you say that?"
"Gut feeling I guess?"
He gave a nod and we began to quickly make our way back to wherever they went.

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