Burnin some art!

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I was watching in fascination while Dean sharped one of his blades on a whetstone, while Sam was looking through some papers he got from the date him and the art lady went on.
"So she just handed the providences over to you." Dean questioned.
"Provenances." We both corrected as one.
"Provenances?" He haltingly asked making Sam give a nod.
"Yes. We went back to her place, I got a copy of the papers..." Sam explained before Dean cut him off.
"And nothing. That's it, I left." He stated.
"Wow." I told before Dean continued.
"You didn't have to con her or do any...special favors or anything like that?"
"Dean would you get your mind out of the gutter please?" Sam asked causing him to laugh.
"You know when this whole thing's done we could stick around for a little bit."
'Oh that's sweet.'
"So you could take her out again. Obviously you're into her, even I can see that. Hell, I'm sure Kat can see it without her psychic powers in play." Dean pointed out.
"Hey, I think I've got something here." Sam told moving the topic along.
Me and Dean moved over to him and Dean took the papers that Sam was holding out for him.
"Portrait of Isaiah Merchant's family, painted 1910." Dean read out.
"Now compare the names of the owners with Dad's journal." Sam told passing the journal to me and I held it so Dean could read it as well.
"First purchased in 1912 by Peter Simms. Peter Simms murder 1912. Same thing in 1945. Oh, Same in 1970."
"Wowie! That's a lotta murderin'." I stated before Sam continued to explain what he learnt.
"Then stored, until it was donated to a charity aucton last month. Where the Telescas bought it. What do you think, it's haunted? Cursed?"
"Either way, it's toast." Dean told making me get excited.
"We gonna burn some art?" I questioned as I began to jump on the spot making Dean smile towards me as he knew why I was getting so excited.
"Kat, we are gonna burn some art." He confirmed.
"Fuck yeah! FIRE!"
"What?" Sam questioned by my excitement, making Dean just wave it off.

Dean leaped into the air and easily scaled the meter high metal gate before he sprinted into the mist.
"Come on!" Dean called before we both jumped up and over the gate.
We were all wearing gloves and I helped Sam disarm the security alarm, and I knew Roxy would be proud I was doing this.
'Perks of a criminal family member I guess.'
"Go ahead." Sam told to Dean so he could pick the lock.
Once we were inside, we were shining our flashlights around the place as we looked for the painting. I pointed my flashlight up to the second floor and I saw Dean was looking at where my light was hitting. He gave the two of us a signal, making us follow him upstairs. We quickly found the painting and Dean put his flashlight into his mouth, before flicking his switchblade out and cut the painting from its frame. We were in and out within a couple of minutes, which made sense since the two grew up basically doing this type of shit.

We were now at a random dirt road and The painting was laying on the dirt. Sam was holding the flashlight as he held a confused look since I was just grabbing random things that may help burn it.
"Thinkin' just matches will work." Dean told making me nod and grabbed the packet of matches that I had in my pocket before tossing them to him. "Perfect."
"No problem." I told with a smile as he readied the matches.
"Ugly ass thing. If you ask me we're doing the art world a favor." Dean told before dropping the match onto the painting, igniting it straight away.
We watched the painting wither away into nothing as the fire consumed everything that it could of it.

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