Smoking Hot Bunny?

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(Kat p.o.v)

I was sitting on one of the beds with Sam in the other when the phone on the side table rang.
"Your phones ringing." I told as we both looked and Sam gave a confused look.
"That's Deans. He must have taken mine or yours by accident." He told making me grab it to see it said Smoking Hot Bunny.
"Who the fuck is Smoking Hot Bunny?" I asked
"I have no clue."
I gave a shrug and picked it up since it might be useful for the case.
"Ok firstly, I'm on break for a bit and spending it helping ya, so be thankful. So I understand calling me going hey what monster does this and what not out of no where. But you have never been shit at picking up when I call you back, so you better have a good enough excuse dick."
"Who is this?" I asked making Sam give me a confused look as I shrugged towards him.
"Ah fuck. Did the fucker really change his number again and not send me the updated version? Mother fucker!" She exclaimed as I heard something slam on her side.
"Who is it?" Sam asked making me move and cover the phone so she didn't hear.
"Some girl and she is pissed."
"Knowing Dean it's likely." He stated making me move to talk to her again.
"So who are you?"
"My name is Ashley. Can not believe the dumbass changed his number after calling me for help. Imma kill him."
"Can I ask who your after Ashley?"
"Unlikely you know the dude.... or you might. Eh, fuck it. I'm after Dean Winchester, y'know the fucker or Na?"
"I know him. I'm actually travelling with him and his brother."
"Shit I thought the dude was in uni. Well anyway tell the dumbass I called and to call me back or imma find him and beat the crap outta him." She told before hanging up.
"She seems like an interesting character."
"I'm curious why she's under Smoking Hot bunny."

We were standing in the snow talking to a cop, when Dean came and joined us. Of course I don't do that well with the cold, so I was trying to stay warm.
"He's with us." Sam told making the cop leave and we turned to Dean, and Sam had a half smile. "Where were you last night? You didn't make it back to the hotel."
"I had my own bed." I joked.
"Well..." he began but Sam cut him off.
"I'm guessing you guys worked things out?"
"We'll be working things out when we're ninety. So what happened?"
"Every bone crushed. Internal organ's turned to pudding. The cops are all stumped, it's like something ran him over." Sam explained since I was trying to stop my teeth from chattering.
"Something like a truck?"
"Yep." He told while I nodded along to what he said.
"What was the Mayor doing here anyway?"
"It's his." I told.
"He owned the property. Bought it a few weeks ago." Sam stated.
"But he's white, he doesn't fit the pattern."
"Killings didn't happen up on the road. That doesn't fit either."
"Jesus fucken Christ it's freezing. Can we get out of the cold." I told making them laugh.
"Come here." Dean told pulling me into his arms to help warm me. "Better?"
"A little." I told before holding his phone to him. "You accidentally left it and grabbed the wrong one. A girl called looking for you. She seemed pissed that you didn't have your phone."
"Someone called Smoking Hot Bunny." I stated making me go wide eye as I rushed to get my phone.
"Shit. She is gonna kill me." He told as he found it and called her number.
"Oh look who finally decides to call. Took ya long enough dick."
"See you still have the fiery attitude."
"Always. Now whatta need my help with?"
"Ash who you talking to?"
"Dude I know."
"What's his name?"
"Legal reasons I can't say. I need to take this call so I'll come back once I'm done."
"You work friends sound interesting."
"They are. Anyway, you sure as hell have a weird request."
"What do you mean?" He asked making Sam hit his arm so Dean put it on speaker. "Your on speaker now."
"Back in the 60s there were a strings of murders. Racist white man would kill people and definitely used his truck to help. Name is a little muddle at the moment so I can't help with that. Of course as soon as he goes missing, ain't no body dying."
"So someone obviously had something to do with that."
"Yep. But that was not all that I found."
"What else did you find?"
"He burnt a church down."
"That's not that bad."
"Dean, there was a children's choir inside. They all died."
"Soon after that the killings stopped. Till now at least."
"Why not haunt straight away though?"
"Don't know. Obviously something happened to wake him, but without the name of the ghost I can't get you the reason if it's public knowledge. Sorry I couldn't help more with this."
"Surprisingly that helps a lot Bunny."
"I can not believe I told you that when we were drunk."
"If I remember correctly you loved that night."
"Yeah, so did you. Look I gotta go back to work, and sorry I couldn't help more."
"It's all good Ashley. Talk later yeah?"
"If I feel like picking up."
"We both know you will."
"Have fun jackass." She told before hanging up.
"So what now?" I asked.
"We go to Cassie and see what her mother isn't telling us."

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