Study bug.

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I was looking at some old newspapers in the library when someone sat across from me.
"Look at you. Still the study bug." A female spoke making me look up to see a girl in a leather jacket and an old band t-shirt, what mostly caught my attention was the fact she held a smirk on her face while she wore sunglasses.
"You shouldn't wear sunglasses inside."
"Hi to you as well Katie." She told as she lifted them so they rested on top of her head.
"Why are you here Roxane?"
"Sense you were in trouble."
"You heard about the hunter passing didn't you?"
"Mostly that. You're good."
"More I know you. Your a criminal."
"So are you."
"I haven't done anything criminal." I countered.
"Grave desecration, credit card fraud, murder, travelling with criminals also makes you an accomplice, and let's not forget about your love for fire. How much have you burned my dear?"
"I'm not like you."
"Of course not. I'm hotter."
"We're the same in looks."
"Tomato, tomato, potato, potato."
"Why are you here?"
"Well, Jimbo called and said he had some things to give to me and I had things to give to him. Fair trade if you will. However, when I get there..... he was a bloody mess."
"You saw his body?"
"Smelt it too. Whole thing wasn't pretty."
"I'm sorry you had to see it."
"Don't be. It's the type of life I live."
"You could get out."
"No can do. It's a great gig. Money pays big. Besides, I've got a pretty good working relationship with this chick that sells the stuff I am hired to acquire for her. Down side, this fed is after me. Somewhat. Name starts with a H...... I think."
"Have you seen any omens?" I questioned, making her raise her eyebrows in confusion before a smile began to grow on her face.
"Where you want me to begin Katie?" She asked making me show her what I was looking at.
"I need to know if you can find out who the yellow eyed demon is after next." I told.
"Of course. I'd do anything for my baby sis."
She placed her hands over my wrist where I kept my charm bracelet, and the two of us just smiled at each other.

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