Saving Papa John.

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Sam was the one to pull the fire alarm, and everyone was leaving the building and standing around outside. Soon the firemen came and we're going about their job, making Dean go up to one of them.
"Hey, what's happening? Is it a fire?"
"We're figuring that out right now, sir. Just stay back." He told as he moved Dean away.
"Well, I've got a Yorkie upstairs and he pees when he's nervous..."
"Sir, you have to stay back."
While Dean distracted him, we moved behind the two to the fire truck. We found the compartment and Sam went to pick the lock making me stop him and pull out the set of keys Roxy gave me to help with this type of life style I was living in at the moment. I found the key that was marked fire truck and I opened the compartment for us, causing Sam to give me a 'what the fuck' look.

We were walking through the building disguised as firemen,  and Dean was using his homemade EMF to check the doors of the apartments.
"I always wanted to be a fireman when I grew up." Dean admitted.
"You never told me that." Sam pointed out before we began to get high readings.
We all looked at each other and gave a shrug before Dean banged on the door.
"This is the fire department. We need you to evacuate." Dean told making his voice deeper so they wouldn't know it was us straight away.
As soon as we heard the door unlock, we shoved it opened and the woman was thrown backwards as we entered the place. I quickly kicked the male demon in the head, making him stumbled back before the boys sprayed the two with the holy water from the tanks we had with our outfits. Dean punched the man before shoving him into a closet.
"Come on!"
Sam quickly grabbed the woman off of the table, so the two of us could shove her in as well. I leaned against the door with Dean since it was lurching as the demons tried to get out.
"I guess they already came out." I joked.
"Hurry up!" Dean exclaimed.
Sam quickly grabbed the canister of salt from the duffle and ran a line around the closet door. Once the line was finished the pounding stopped, allowing us to finally take off the fireman gear and head off to the bedroom door. We slowly opened it to see John was on the bed, making Dean head over to him.
"Dad?" He questioned as he leaned down and listened. "He's still breathing."
'Oh thank god.'
Dean began to shake John to see if he would wake up, so we could all leave.
"Dad, wake up. Dad!"
Dean took out a knife and went to cut the restraints around John's wrists, making Sam stop him.
"Wait. Wait."
"He could be possessed for all we know." Sam pointed out.
"Yeah, Sammy's got a point." I added.
"What, are you two nuts?"
"More precautions."
"Dean, we got to be sure." Sam stated.
He grabbed a flask of holy water out of the bag and sprinkled it on John. We saw there was no effect, and John began to moan as he came around.
"Sam? Why are you splashing water on me?" He questioned.
"Dad, are you okay?" Dean asked.
"They've been drugging me. Where's the Colt?"
"Don't worry, Dad, it's safe." Sam told before Dean cut him free.
"Good boys. Good boys." John told but something felt off to me.
'Probably cause we've got two demons in the closet.'
The boys were carrying their father out of the bedroom when I heard a voice on the other end of the front door. I stopped the boys which confused them, before the front door suddenly burst opened and a random man and one of the firemen came in.
"Go! Go!" Sam shouted making us rush away.
"Back! Back!"
I quickly threw a salt bomb at them, which allowed us to rush into the bathroom and lock the door behind us. Sadly, we weren't out of the water yet, since an axe suddenly came through the door.
"No one's home! Come back later!" I told before ducking to avoid some of the wood coming into the room.
Sam quickly ran a line of salt at the door, while I helped Dean get John onto the fire escape.
"Sam, let's go!" Dean called.
We moved out of the way as Sam threw the bag out the window first, before quickly following. We quickly threw salt along the window sill, and Dean helped John down onto the street. Sam ran ahead, before suddenly being attacked by a random man who was obviously possessed. He pinned Sam down on the street and began to beat him to death, making me and Dean rush to his aid.
"Sam!" We both exclaimed.
Dean kicked him in the face, but it had no effect. He threw Dean onto a parked car, causing the windshield to shatter. I went to kick him, only for him to grab my leg and throw me away from the two. As he began to beat Sam again, we suddenly heard a gun go off and the man fell off of Sam. I looked over to see Dean was standing there with the Colt in his hands. He put it away and came over to Sam, while I slowly sat up, groaning in pain.
"Sam!" He called before picking him up. "Sam, come on! Come on!"
He got Sam to his feet before rushing over and helping me up. Once we were all standing together, we looked towards the dead man and the demon who was possessing him.
"Come on. We got to get out of here." Dean told making us rush over and help John up, so we could quickly leave the area.
'Something feels very wrong.'

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