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Cameron's pov

"Cammy baby, where are you? We are going to leave now!", Dad said shouting to me from downstairs. I quickly fixed my hair and my light makeup. I grabbed my black purse from the dressing table and I looked at myself for the last time at the mirror. I smiled to myself and I ran downstairs to meet Mom and Dad.

"Finally! I thought you were dead", Dad said joking around. I smiled and I hopped into the car. Dad locked the front door and he hopped into the driver's seat. "Hey sweetie, packed all of your things already? You remembered to pack all of your things right?", Mom asked me not looking up from her phone at the passenger's seat. "Yeah Mom. I remembered everything", I said rolling my eyes and breaking into a smile. We are moving to a new house today. We had stayed in this house here in Perth for like ten years. Dad got a new job in Sydney so we are moving there now. I adjusted the air conditioner in front of me and I switched on the radio. I adjusted the volume and I leaned back to the car seat. Dad reversed his car out from the house and we are off to Sydney. I closed my eyes and listened to the music playing in the car. Oh yeah the music feels like paradise. Driving to Sydney from Perth takes four days. We will be staying at some places for the night or we could take turns driving the car. Luckily I've aced my driving skills and I've already got a licence for driving but I don't have my own car yet. Dad said that he would buy for me one day. But I don't know when. I kept reminding him but he kept forgetting it.

It's already 8.00p.m and Dad is still driving. I'm starting to get hungry. I think Dad got the hint because I started sighing really loud and I kept shifting my place. He drove a few kilometers more and we reached a local restaurant. I ordered a plate of Almond Crumbed Chicken Schnitzel and a plate of Warm Fudge-Filled Cheesecake. They were really delicious. Mom and Dad ate the same thing too. I drank a cup of hot tea. I really need to take a bath so after we had dinner, we went to a nearest hotel to have some sleep after a long day. Of course Dad booked two rooms, one for Mom and him and another one is for myself because Dad said that I'm a big girl so I need some privacy of my own. After having a really good bath, I changed into my PJ's and flopped onto the bed and reached for the bedside lamp to switch off the light and have a good sleep because tomorrow is going to be a being day for me which I would be driving the car.


Waking up early in the morning is a normal thing for me. I had my bath and changed into a pair of jeans and a white shirt. I combed my hair and let it loose because I am so lazy to tie it. I packed all my things and knocked at my parents door. Mom opened it and smiled at me. I went in and sat on the bed. I switched on the television to watch something interesting. After my parents got ready, we went out of the room and had our breakfast and we put all of our suitcases in the car.


We finally reached our new house. Mom was the last driver to drive the car so she parked the car just in front of our new house. I guess the the moving lorry who carried all of our things from our old house reached earlier than us. Our new house was really big. It had a big lawn and behind our house were the woods where I hope that it would be safe from wild animals. The men took out all of our things from the lorry such as cabinets and stuff into the house. I wanted to explore around the house so I went into our new house. It was really big. The the floors were covered in wooden floorboards,walls were painted in lime yellow color and the stairs that lead upstairs. I trod upstairs. There were three rooms which I think one extra room could be the mini library I guess because I've got loads of storybooks and it could be kept here. I peered into my room. It was painted bright red just the way I liked it.

"Cami, please come down here! Come and meet our new neighbours!", Mom shouted from the outside. I quickly ran downstairs,my boots making loud thudding noises and I ran down the stairs.

"Cami,I want you to meet our new neighbours. This is Mrs.Brock and", Mom said.

"Hi Mrs.Brock. How are you?", I asked her politely.

"I'm fine dear. I'm sure you're really tired but anyway, welcome to the neighbourhood!", Mrs.Brock said.

"Thank you", I said back to Mrs.Brock while shaking her hand.

"Say,why don't you come to my house and have a cool lemonade drink? You looked tired."

I looked at Mom for her permission. She smiled at me and nodded her head.

"Sure Mrs.Brock. I'll come to your house after I have a bath because I think I haven't had one for three days", I said shyly.

"Sure! I'll see you at two in the afternoon", she said and walked back into her house.

I took my four big suitcases which are full of clothes. They were really heavy. One of those men saw me dragging my suitcases so he went over to me and helped me carry my two of my suitcases to my room while I carry the other two.

When I reached my room, I thanked the man for helping me to carry my suitcases and he nodded his head and went out from my room. I let out a loud sigh and flopped on my bed. The men had already arranged all of those cabinets in my room such as the dressing table,the bed and stuffs like that. I zipped open my suitcase and took out a black tank top with a pair of jeans and put it on my bed and I went into the shower to have a nice cool bath.


After having a cool bath, I changed into my black tank top and a pair of jeans. I took out the hairdryer from my suitcase and plugged it into the socket. I dried my hair and when my hair is fully dried, I combed my hair and let it loose. I looked at my clock. It was almost two. I have to go to Mrs.Brock's house. I wonder if there were kids of my age.

"Mom! I'm off to Brock's house. I'll be back soon", I shouted to my mom who was at the kitchen arranging some stuff.

"Sure dear and mind your words. Mrs.Brock is not your friend and come home early!", Mom said. I laughed and went out to Mrs.Brock's house. I rang her doorbell. She opened the door and smiled at me.

"Come in dear. I've been waiting for you", she said stepping aside while letting me in. Her house was really beautiful. It was incredible. The house smelled of lavender. I sat on the couch while Mrs.Brock went to the kitchen to make a glass of lemonade for me.

She gave me the glass of lemonade. I took sip by sip because I don't want to look greedy by gulping down the whole thing. I am really thirsty and the lemonade is really tasty so I'm controlling myself and not to act all greedy.

"So Mrs.Brock, where is Mr.Brock? I didn't meet him", I asked.

She looked down and said, "My husband died long time ago in a car crash...."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked you that."

"Nevermind. I'm good", she said smiling.

"Do you have any children?"

"Of course I have. I have a son. He's upstairs. I'll get him", she said getting up.

"No. Nevermind. Maybe he is busy. I don't want to disturb him", I said.

"Your think he is busy? I'll still call him," Mrs.Brock said. "Tyler! Come down here and meet your new neighbour!".

"Coming Mom!", Tyler answered. I heard the creaking sound of an opening door. I expected to meet a small boy or something because a big boy wouldn't have obeyed their mothers or something. Well,at least most of them. Or maybe not. Whatever. I'm just being stupid. I quickly gulped down my delicious cold lemonade and waited for Mrs.Brock's son to come down.

"This is my son,Tyler Brock", Mrs.Brock said. I looked up.Oh my god. I didn't expect to see a teenage boy.



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