dragon island (part 6)

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"This is a bad idea, Gana.", Gwen sounded worried, as she tried to hold Morgana off.
"We have no choice, Gwen! Gaius and Uther are the only people who have the answers and Gaius is making house visits. We HAVE to ask him!"
Morgana was fierce as she marched forward. Fast enough that Gwen had to jog a little to keep up the pace.

George was walking right after them, his findings (the books and the family tree) placed in his arms. He had been instructed to carry the evidence to the king, so Morgana could hold a lecture and ask the questions they've been mulling over at night.
Really, George was quite curious as well, but he hid it well behind an impassive expression.
He somehow managed to keep up Morgana's pace, without breaking a sweat. Truthfully, he looked like he was slandering, rather than hurrying.
Well, there was a reason why he was considered the most efficient servant of all.

He also managed to be completely overlooked by everyone. He was never targeted, he did his job perfectly and he knew to look innocent and unknowing of any affairs in Camelot.
In secret, he knew everything there was to know about every lord and lady in the castle, knew all the gossip and basically ruled the entire household.
His friendship to Leon also brought him much insight and influence on the knights.
It was not to underestimate just how powerful this seemingly unimportant servant appeared to be.
He came second only to Merlin.

And that was because Merlin was the right hand of the crown prince himself and possessed a massive amount of magic. And other secrets.
Morgana and Gwen may not be aware of any of that, but George knew. He knew, because Leon knew. And why Leon knew, you are soon to find out.

"Still, Gana. He's the KING. You really think he's going to answer you?"
Morgana stopped in her tracks and turned around. She grabbed Gwen by the shoulders and gazed deep into her eyes.
"Gwen, Leon might be a dragon lord. This would explain how the great dragon was defeated. This could mean that Uther is aiding with sorcery. Don't you see what a big deal this is?"
Morgana was hushing her voice as she told her girlfriend this.

"Morgana.", Gwen tilted her head in sympathy. She knew of Morgana's magic. The fear she lived under. This story held the chance that Uther would accept her even with her magic.
If he could accept Sir Leon, who wasn't even related to Uther, then he might show empathy for her. Maybe he could accept her too.
Morgana hated that she had to hide.

George stopped a few feet away from them, pretending not to listen.
Morgana however, was more than aware that he was there and swallowed. They couldn't talk more, without risking information to get in the wrong hands.
Of course George already knew about Morgana's magic. But he was too careful to let that information slip.
But if you paid close attention to him, you could see how his eyes lingered on Morgana for just a second. Analyzing and anticipating what she was going to say next.

"George, could you go ahead?", Morgana smiled, but it didn't quite reach her eyes.

George regarded her a glance. "I doubt that would be wise, miss.", he answered politely.
"I don't mean to be a coward, but if the king were to look upon the evidence that I provide, he may have me executed and the evidence destroyed, before you catch up to me. Then he could deny ever knowing anything about this.
The result of this action would reflect negatively on all of us. I suggest to hurry up, my lady."

Morgana frowned disapprovingly. Unfortunately, George had a point.
She sighed, as Gwen hurried to straighten her dress, in a fast attempt to make the closeness seem more necessary.
And not like the conversation between Morgana and her had been in fact, kind of treasonous.

So, Morgana walked forward again, this time grabbing for Gwen's wrist. Her wrist, because holding her hand would be too affectionate for the public. Gwen knew this and let herself be dragged after.
George bowed without further comment and followed again.
His gaze trained at their backs.

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