Chapter 2: Project Rebirth

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CHAPTER SUMMARY: Steve goes through with his procedure for Project Rebirth, becoming the first Super-Soldier. However, things don't go according to plan, causing the twins to follow each other on a different path.

This story is also on A03.


Everlasting Love from Brooklyn

Chapter 2: Project Rebirth

Later that night, Vicky went to visit her brother, wanting to check in on him and make sure he was prepared for tomorrow, feeling nervous about it. Arriving at the bunker, she called out to him, not daring to step into a room full of men. "Steve!"

He arrived at the door, appearing just as nervous as she was. "Hey Vic."

"I wanted to check on you. Also..." She held up an envelope with a smile, giving him a knowing look. "I got a letter from Bucky! You wanna read it together?"

Steve nodded, chuckling. "The rest of the guys are at the mess hall. You can come in." He said, holding the door open for her.

Sitting down in a bed across from him, Vicky began to open the letter addressed from Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes of the 107th Infantry Regiment. Steve watched his sister with a smile, knowing how much this meant to her. Vicky cleared her throat as she read it outloud for him:

" Dearest Vicky,

I've arrived at the camp safely and received your other letters. You're kidding, Steve got in? At least you're still with him, watching over him. I know the both of you will watch out for each other. I can't wait to hear more.

We're supposed to be shipped out soon for the front lines, but I'll try to keep in contact as often as I can with these letters. I look forward to each one from you, Doll. I haven't been able to stop thinking about that kiss you gave me at the docks. If I'm being honest, I never thought you would return the same feelings for me. I always thought you looked at me as another older brother figure. Granted, I didn't realize my feelings for you sooner, but I was nervous to find out if you felt the same. Imagine that!

Anyway, I can't wait to hear more from you and Steve. As always, I'll be here for the both of you.

- Bucky"

Vicky looked up to her brother with a blush on her cheeks as the siblings shared a chuckle. "I'm with you, to the end of the line!" Steve repeated, reminding her of Bucky's familiar words he said to them the day their mother passed away. The twins felt they had lost everything that day and only at the age of 17, they quickly felt the need to adapt to surviving the world on their own. But Bucky -- he refused to leave them alone, letting them know he would always be here for them.

Holding the letter to her heart, she repeated the same words with a smile. "To the end of the line." After a brief moment, she started to put the letter back in the envelope, remembering to save it. Looking at her brother, they both noticed the similar looks on each other's face. "I would have brought you food, but I know you can't eat before the procedure. Are you ready for tomorrow?"

"Do you know what I should expect?" Steve asked curiously. He was still shocked to know his sister worked for a secret organization, but he understood why she couldn't tell him.

Vicky sighed. "I wish I did, then I wouldn't be so nervous about it."

"I'll be fine, Vic." He reassured her.

The twins were interrupted by Dr. Erskine walking into the bunker, surprised to find them together. He paused, realizing he was intruding. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt."

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