Chapter 14: The Avengers

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CHAPTER SUMMARY: Helping his sister adapt to the modern world, Steve and Vicky catch up on all the time they've missed together, trying to find their place in a world that has moved on without them.

Everlasting Love from Brooklyn

Chapter 14: The Avengers

This had to be some kind of prank.

Victoria Rogers found it hard to believe 61 years had gone by. Letting out a chuckle at her brother's and Fury's words, she started to dash forward. "Did Howard put you up to this? I wouldn't doubt such a thing from him."

Grabbing his sister's arm, she was stopped by Steve. The look in his eyes was a serious one, telling her he wasn't joking at all. Feeling her breathing starting to become panicked, she looked around, feeling like she was in a bad dream. "I'll let you handle this one, Cap." Fury said, feeling it would be better for Steve to break the familiar news to his own kin.

Steve swallowed, knowing there would be no other easy way to show her, but at least he would be here to help her. "It's something I have to show you. Come on."


Walking around Times Square and seeing all the differences from how she last remembered it, especially with the fact it currently looked like New York had been hit by an attack, she realized she was no longer in the New York she had known.

Everything had changed.

All the posters that decorated the square were now replaced with light up signs, flashing and changing to different ads. Some were playing videos that were in color, no longer black and white. There were so many things she didn't understand, making her turn to look at her brother who had been watching her take this all in carefully as they walked the streets. "We're no longer in Kansas anymore." She remarked, causing Steve to chuckle, getting the reference.

"There was recently an attack on New York." He began to explain before one of the videos from a news report beat him to it.

"After the attack on New York and the Avengers help in stopping it, the city is now under repair. The repairs are expected to cost $160 in damages. More to come at 5."

Having watched the video, Vicky glanced at her brother, raising an eyebrow, looking to him for all the answers for her questions. "Aliens from another world attacked New York and I joined a group of heroes called the Avengers."

Her blue eyes remained wide as she nodded her head. "Okay." It wasn't the weirdest thing she had heard today and Vicky knew it was only about to get stranger as they continued to walk around New York, helping her notice the world she had found herself in. It was the same everywhere they went, especially Brooklyn.

It was no longer the same place they remembered from their childhood.


This was probably the most difficult part of the journey for Steve, but he had to break it to her. Fury had her sent to the Retreat -- a secluded cabin surrounded by a lake to offer a peaceful environment while she adjusted. Steve presented a familiar case of files to her with their friends' pictures and information as he began to explain everything to her, breaking the news. Seeing the big red label DECEASED over a good majority of the files, it only seemed to make Vicky revert back to that state of shock, tears falling silently from her eyes, trying to process all this. Howard, most of the Howling Commandos, even some of the people she worked with at SHIELD were gone like Sousa. She paused at Bucky's file, seeing it hadn't changed at all. He was still missing in action.

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