Chapter 3: Captain America and Agent Rogers

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CHAPTER SUMMARY: As the twins try to adapt to their new roles working for Senator Brandt, they receive tragic news from the 107th regarding Bucky and are determined to bring their friend home at all costs -- even if they must defy orders.

Everlasting Love from Brooklyn

Chapter 3: Captain America and Agent Rogers

Weeks had gone by. Weeks of this endless performing. At first, the Roger's twins started to enjoy it when Steve dressed up in his superhero costume as Captain America and Vicky as one of the Star Spangled Singers, living out a childhood dream of hers becoming a singer -- but it got old very fast, especially since the twins repeated the same things over and over again. All they were doing was helping to sell bonds and performing for groups of families with children. There was even films, comics and other merchandise made of Captain America. At some point they both started to feel like performing monkey's, not fulfilling their true purposes in life. They wanted to do more than this.

But Vicky kept up with it for her brother, even when the letters from Bucky seemed to suddenly stop arriving, she had to remind herself to be strong for them all. Being one of the Star Spangled Singers wasn't so bad. Bucky would probably get a kick out of the news once he received the rest of the letters coming his way, finding out what the Roger's twins had been up to.

The kids loved Steve, asking for photographs and autographs. Even beautiful women started approaching her brother, causing him to get flustered. It was a sight to see, watching her brother get the attention he hardly ever got from others before the change. Whether he was the skinny man with weak health from Brooklyn or Captain America, nothing would ever change the fact Steve was her brother and she would always believe in him.

Once their tour of the nation brought them to Italy, Vicky asked Brandt for the day off to sit on the sidelines, feeling concerned about not receiving letters from Bucky for weeks now. She was currently writing him another letter as Steve was performing for another crowd. However, before she could start writing the words, she heard how displeased the crowd was with her brother, wanting the girls back on stage. This caught her attention, peaking out to see the crowd of nothing but male soldiers, something far different from the usual crowd of families. She spotted the familiar face of Gilmore Hodge.

"I think they only know the one song. But um...let me...I'll...I'll see what I can do."

"You do that, sweetheart."

"Nice boots, Tinker Bell!" The crowd of soldiers began to laugh.

Steve sighed, clearing getting frustrated with this. "Come on, guys. We're all on the same team here."

"Hey, Captain! Sign this!" Gilmore stood up, pulling his pants down and the crowd began to throw things at Steve. Vicky wanted nothing more but to go out there and yell at him, but knew it wouldn't change a thing. He would still be a bully.

The dancers began to run back onto the stage as Steve met up with his sister and the aide backstage. "Don't worry, pal. They'll warm up to you. Don't worry." The aide reassured him.

Spotting his sister sitting down in the rain, looking upon a blank piece of paper, Steve sat down next to her with his sketching pad, drawing a picture. He noticed his sister was paused, causing him to ask. "What's up? Can't think of the words to send to Buck?" This surprised him, knowing the two of them always had something to say to each other.

Vicky bit her lip, looking to him with concern. "It's not that, I just...I haven't received a letter from Bucky in weeks."

Steve looked to her with a small smile, reassuring her. "He did say he was fighting in the front of the lines and would get to you when he could. He hasn't failed yet."

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