Chapter 15: A Ghost from the Past

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CHAPTER SUMMARY: A year has passed as the Rogers Twins try to cope with their new situation in the modern world. However, things are about to change when SHIELD is compromised and Vicky comes across a ghost from the past in the form of the Winter Soldier.

Everlasting Love from Brooklyn

Chapter 15: A Ghost from the Past

January 2014

A year had gone by since the Rogers twins moved to Washington D.C. They had started to develop habits, finding it helped them to move along with the world they currently found themselves in. Things seemed to be getting easier despite Steve having to help Vicky out with her occasional nightmares. She wouldn't tell him what they were about, but he would awake to her shouting in the middle of the night or waking up crying. As they did when they were little kids and his sister had nightmares, Steve would remain by her side, watching her fall asleep before he left.

Because of this, the siblings had started a morning ritual, hoping it would help with her night terrors. Steve would wake her up early at 6am for their morning jogs around the capital before the sun rose. After, the twins would arrive back at the apartment where Vicky would make them breakfast and proceed to do whatever chores were needed or occupy themselves with whatever needed to be done. Steve went back to sketching, which made Vicky happy to see just as his sister would sing songs they put on around the apartment.

Deciding to finally cut her long hair, Steve was surprised to find his sister was the first one awake this morning, watching as she finished up, her hair now above her shoulders. He had never seen her with it short, so it would take some getting used to. "It looks good."

"I decided it was time for a change after 61 years." Vicky chuckled, putting the scissors away and brushing out her hair. It wasn't the best job, but it would do.

"You ready?" he asked, already dressed in his sweats and shirt for the jog.

"I'll go change right now." She replied, going to get changed out of her pajamas.


Today's jog was a bit different from the usual routine -- especially since Steve started teasing a man the twins kept passing. At first when they passed him, her brother was just notifying the man they were passing by. "On your left!" Sam Wilson, the man in question, nodded, watching as the twins ran past. However, catching them doing another lap past him, Vicky and Sam were catching on. "On your left!" Steve called out again, this time with a small smile.

"Uh-huh, on my left. Got it." Sam chuckled. On the next lap, just as Steve was about to open his mouth, Sam beat him to it. "Don't say it! Don't you say it!"

Steve chuckled." On your left."

This prompted Vicky to finally swat at her brother for teasing the man, especially since he was trying to keep up with the super-soldier twins. Looking behind them, she noticed he was having difficulty, getting out of breath. Leaving her brother, Vicky went to greet him as he leaned against a tree to catch his breath. "I'm sorry about my brother." She held out her hand. "I'm Victoria Rogers."

"Sam Wilson." he said, shaking her hand, trying to regain his breath.

Not long after, Steve met up with them, noticing his sister was no longer by his side. Finding them talking beside the tree, he walked up. "Need a medic?" Vicky shot her brother a look.

However, Sam chuckled from this. "I need a new set of lungs. Dude, the both of you ran like 13 miles in 30 minutes."

"I guess I got a late start." Steve said, shrugging it off with a smile.

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