Chapter 24: Counting Our Losses

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CHAPTER SUMMARY: A year has passed as Vicky gives Bucky some surprising news. But of course the couple are plunged into another war, one that has put the half life of humankind possibly being wiped out. Reunited with The Avengers, they are all in for the fight of their lives.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: You all are going to seriously hate me this chapter. FULL WARNING, it's Infinity War and Endgame, so things will be dark from here. I'll explain myself at the end.

Everlasting Love from Brooklyn

Chapter 24: Counting Our Losses

2018 - Wakanda

"I'm pregnant, Buck."

He found the words hard to process at first. Not because he wasn't looking forward to being a father -- no, but because it felt like a dream that was finally coming true. There was also a big responsibility that came with expecting and caring for another life. Many thoughts began to flood Bucky's mind, causing his silence to worry Vicky before he let out the breath he had been holding, smiling. "You're pregnant." Next thing Vicky knew, Bucky was taking her into a hug, holding her close to him.

Two weeks ago she had woken up with a bad case of nausea which was rather strange considering she hardly got sick because of the serum. Even after a couple days, it wouldn't go away. Concerned, Bucky had her sent to Shuri to run tests.

Little did he expect this to be the result, but they should have seen it coming, especially after their recent nights of love making. Neither one really knew what to do, but they knew it was time to prepare. "Are you ready for this?" Vicky asked, wanting to know his thoughts.

Bucky kissed her cheek. "I'm with you till the end of the line, doll." He replied, placing a hand upon her flat stomach.


Being eight weeks pregnant was no fun, even with Super Soldier Serum. While it helped slightly ease some of the nasty feelings, there was one thing it couldn't entirely prevent: the creation of life and the symptoms that came with it. Then again, she was the first woman to receive the serum, so of course no one knew what it would do. At this point it was all just a process of learning.

Bucky had been highly supportive throughout it, helping to comfort her with whatever she needed. However, it didn't go unnoticed by either of them that despite their excitement, there was also a sense of nervousness towards what was to come with being parents and the fact they hadn't even married yet.

As with everyday since the news, Vicky had been subjected to watching as Bucky worked the field, taking care of the animals as two of the village children watched from the tree. Today was different though. Out in the distance, she noticed T'Challa making his way forth with Okoye and two kingsguards.

"You'll have the Kingsguard, and the Dora Milaje have been alerted." Okoye said to her King.

"And the Border Tribe?"

"Those that are left."

"Send word to the Jabari as well. M'Baku likes a good fight."

"And what of these two?" she asked.

T'Challa sighed. "We will not recruit her unless she volunteers." He stated, knowing of her pregnancy. He looked to see Vicky had noticed them as she stood up, acknowledging their coming arrival. His attention was directed over to Bucky throwing a pile onto the cart. "This one may be tired of war, but the White Wolf has rested long enough."

Vicky began to make her way over to Bucky, getting his attention as he saw them arriving. Standing next to the cart, one of the Kingsguards laid down a suitcase, opening it. T'Challa and Okoye silently watched as the couple approached it, looking to see what had been presented: it was a new vibranium arm.

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