Chapter 35: Everlasting Love from Brooklyn

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CHAPTER SUMMARY: Winnie and Morgan return back to their time and find that everything has been fixed, but in a way they didn't expect as they come to terms with who they are. The promise made between three friends from Brooklyn long ago lives on as it always has.

Everlasting Love from Brooklyn

Chapter 35: Everlasting Love from Brooklyn


"Hey, Winnie, Morgan..."

"What are they doing sleeping outside here?"

"Don't act like you haven't done so yourself, Buck. Come on girls, I've finished making lunch."

Hearing her parents' familiar voices, Winnie slowly started to open her eyes to the bright light of the afternoon sun shining high in the sky upon them. Quickly, she jolted up in a panic along with Morgan beside her, both girls looking over themselves to see their suits gone along with the wristwatches. It was almost as if they had not even gone time traveling. Exchanging a similar look of pure confusion, Bucky and Vicky caught onto this.

"You both are acting like you had a weird dream." Bucky commented, giving them a smirk. "What was it about?"

Vicky sighed, shaking her head at her husband. "Stop teasing them." Her eyes landed on her daughter. "Come on, we can't keep everyone waiting."

The girls silently got up off the ground, following behind them. "So, it worked?" Winnie asked.

"Apparently...even the wristwatches are gone. I wonder where they went." Morgan replied, feeling a bit concerned about that. Winnie shrugged, just as confused as her. Suddenly. Morgan put an arm around her best friend. "How you holding up? We're not going to do that ever again, so I hope you got what you wanted."

Winnie smiled, recalling the warm words Steve gave her. "Yeah, I think I'll be okay. How about you?"

"I got to say goodbye to my Dad properly this time, so that's something." The Stark daughter sighed happily. "He also gave me some valuable advice I've needed to hear. I think I'll ask mom and Happy to help me continue running Stark Industries. I'm too young to be running a whole entire company by myself. I want to help people like my father and grandfather did, but I also want to have a life of my own."

"Good. Maybe you might actually get a boyfriend?"

"You're one to talk, Barnes." A small smile started to stick to the Barnes daughter's face, prompting her friend to ask. So, what did Steve have to say to you?"

Before she could respond, the girls suddenly stopped in their tracks, hearing a familiar voice. "Ah, you found them." Their eyes went wide with confusion and surprise, spotting the blonde and young Steve Rogers running up to greet his family.

"U-Uncle Steve?" Winnie exclaimed.

He smiled that ever knowing smile. "You're acting as if you've seen a ghost."

"Morgan!" Pepper exclaimed, running up to take her into a hug.


Bucky held out the wristwatches he had taken off the girls, giving them a look, confirming to the girls that their parents and the rest of the family had managed to find out about their own time heist. "Caught ya."

"Dad, I can explain-"

"You're not in trouble." Vicky said, hugging her daughter. "We're glad you both are just safe."

"What's going on then?" Winnie asked, scrunching her eyebrows.

Steve walked up, smiling at her. "I had a promise to keep." He started to explain himself. "When I went back to 2019 to deliver the Infinity Stones to their rightful places, not only rescuing your Aunt Nat, but also living out my life with the love of my life -- your Aunt Peggy -- I had a lot of time to think about things. I watched over your mother as she went about her life before being frozen herself. So, after continuing to follow the flow of the timeline and after giving Sam the shield, I ran an idea by Bruce about the ability to reverse age. It was something we came across when Scott Lang introduced us to the theory of time travel."

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