Chapter 12: Miss Victory

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CHAPTER SUMMARY: How can love win a war?

Vicky must look for the answer within her, finding herself without her brother or Bucky. In the meantime, Peggy and the rest of the SSR figure out a way to stop Leviathan with the help of Howard Stark.

Everlasting Love from Brooklyn

Chapter 12: Miss Victory

Peggy sat down on her desk, eyes red and puffy from the tragedies the SSR had just experienced. Chief Roger Dooley was dead, having sacrificed his life to save his agents from the explosive trap he found himself in. Some agents had minor scuffs and scars, but nothing too severe.

But as for Victoria Rogers -- just like her brother, she willingly tried to save another person's life despite the risk towards her own, taking the damage of the bomb and ending up with critical damage in the hospital. The doctor's had said she suffered a concussion after a nasty blow to her head, being knocked back by the explosion. They weren't sure if she would make it or not, her body rendering her knocked out to a state of sleep to start healing from the injury.

Agent Thompson -- now the new chief of the New York SSR, had given Peggy her old job back. Despite it, the agent felt utterly hopeless, feeling as if she had failed Steve in keeping his sister safe.

Leviathan had painted them like open targets and now they were getting away with what they had done. Not long after the attack on the SSR building, the group also attacked a cinema across the way, resulting in a massacre of civilians after stealing one of Stark's devices from the SSR.

With all the casualties they were suffering, it made Peggy's blood boil. Something had to be done to stop them. The world needs to be saved before Leviathan ends up destroying it.


"Hey Stevie, can I play with you?" an eleven year old Vicky asked her brother.

It was so surreal as Vicky watched the scene unfold before her, finding herself back in the old apartment she used to live in with her mother and brother. Steve was currently laying down on the rug, playing with his toy soldiers. He paused, raising an eyebrow at his sister before nodding.

He had come to grow accustomed to letting her tag along with him despite both of them having different interests in things. Their Ma had taught them to watch out for each other -- especially since she was usually at work, helping to support the family. The twins relied on one another, working like a synchronized team. They would go to school together, walk home together and help pick up around the house for when their mother would get home, helping out with some of the chores.

It was small moments like this that Vicky enjoyed, when she could just be herself with her brother. Even if Steve would tease her or they would have the occasional sibling banter, he was still a supportive older brother, never expecting his sister to be what the rest of the world thought she should be.

Pulling out the handmade stuffed bear Sarah had made for her daughter, Vicky smiled, landing it next to the toy soldiers. "I'm Sergeant Cuddles and I've come to help with the war!" She declared in a lower voice.

Steve chuckled, shaking his head. "Vic, a bear? Really?"

"What about it?" she frowned, hugging it close to her chest. "Sergeant Cuddles wins wars with love. I think that's neat."

"How can you win a war with love?" Steve asked, entertaining his sister's thoughts.

"It's not about winning, it's about fighting for what's right and defending your loved ones, right?" Getting up from the rug, she started to run over to the picturestand, looking at a picture of their father. "It's the reason Pa went off to fight. He did it so we could be here with Ma because he loved us." Steve was left speechless at his sister's words, surprised he had never seen it the way she did. He had always thought it was a sense of duty their father was fulfilling for their country, not the fact he was also doing it for the three of them as well. "That's why he got this purple heart!" Vicky said, holding up the medal with a smile.

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