Chapter 20: Nightmares Become Reality

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CHAPTER SUMMARY: Vicky and Bucky's somewhat peaceful life together in Romania is interrupted. Bucky is framed for a crime he didn't commit, resulting in a terrible string of events as the person behind it awakens the Winter Soldier still deep within him.

Everlasting Love from Brooklyn

Chapter 20: Nightmares Become Reality

"Steve, I was thinking about asking her." Bucky said, getting his friends attention while they sat around with the Howling Commandos, figuring out where their next mission would take them.

The mighty Captain America raised an eyebrow at him. "What?"

"I was thinking about asking Vicky to marry me when we get back home." He admitted, giving his usual crooked smile. It was something he had been thinking pretty heavily on for a while now, knowing he wanted to spend the rest of his life with the woman he had come to love. Bucky had practically known everything about Victoria Rogers from the good and the bad of it, loving her for it all.

He never wanted to join the war like Steve, instead being drafted. But if his friend asked for his help and needed it, Bucky wouldn't be one to turn down a fight, joining the Howling Commandos. However, he couldn't wait to return back home to his childhood love and live out a life of excitement with her.

Looking for what Steve's reaction would be to this news, he was relieved to see he had gained approval from her brother for his advances. Patting his friend's back, Steve smiled. "There is no doubt she will say yes." They chuckled. "Besides, that will truly make us brothers then."

"So, I have your approval?"

"Of course, Buck. I just want the two of you to be happy." He said, having witnessed first hand how the two of them silently went about their feelings for one another for a while, happy to just have them be together out in the open. "I know you will take care of each other."

"All I want is the best for her."

"Are you sure about that?" Steve suddenly asked, reminding Bucky that this wasn't how the memory went down.

He cocked an eyebrow at him. "Steve?"

"If you want the best for my sister, then why are you killing her?" His face was mixed with horror and anger as Bucky looked down, spotting his metal arm and Vicky being strangled to death in it.

"B-Bucky...?" she managed to gasp out, looking horrified. Vicky was starting to cough up blood. "Why are you doing this? I thought I could trust you."

Despite how much he tried to pull his arm away from her and make it stop, Bucky was unable to. The Winter Soldier inside him was too strong. Watching as the light left her eyes, he screamed out for her.

Bucharest, 2016 - Present Day

Waking up in a cold sweat, Bucky felt Vicky in his arms and quickly let go of her, just making the Rogers sister stir in her sleep. He was breathing heavily, moving himself to the couch as he looked her over, making sure she was okay with no injuries. The rise and fall of her chest and quick toss in her sleep made him start to calm down. Not wanting to wake her, he decided to go out for a walk and get some items from the market, letting her sleep in longer.

An hour later, Vicky woke up to find Bucky was no longer beside her. The apartment was dead silent except for the usual street noise of people outside. Did he go somewhere? Having a bad feeling in her gut warn her of something, she rose from the bed, hearing the door start to open. Quickly making her way over to the secret stash of weapons they had hidden about the place, she grabbed a gun, already having it loaded.

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