Chapter 13: As the World Turns

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AUTHOR'S NOTES: So this chapter is pretty much an informational one, especially because of all the time jumps in it. In fact, this will be THE ONLY chapter like this. Because of how short and how quick things progress in this chapter, I've added my detailed explanations for everything in the notes at the end of this chapter.

This story will be going through some time jumps in between, but this is the only one where it majorly happens like this (besides Endgame of course cause time travel.) That's a different topic though.

CHAPTER SUMMARY: SHIELD is formed to help protect the US against threats, but what happens when those threats are right under your nose? With another war upon them, Vicky makes a risky choice to help change the odds in their favor, following in her brother's footsteps, not knowing it's going to lead her right back to him.

Everlasting Love from Brooklyn

Chapter 13: As the World Turns

NEW YORK, 1950s

Before either of them knew it, the time had flown by. Everyday started to get easier. Each step lighter and the memories didn't hurt as much anymore. So much had happened since then -- at least that was what Vicky would say.

Wrapped up in another bizarre case with her friends, it resulted with Peggy leaving for Los Angeles briefly to go work under Agent Sousa who had become the Chief for the SSR division over there. Vicky decided to stay in New York City, continuing to work under Chief Jack Thompson, becoming his right-hand man and girlfriend. However, as fate would have it, the gang wasn't separated for long and reunited in the City of Angels to finish solving the case of an actress who had stumbled across Zero Matter -- a powerful element made of negative energy from another dimension.

Vicky wasn't ready to deal with those unexplainable matters yet, especially with what followed after the mission. While witnessing Peggy and Sousa starting a relationship, she went to the hotel where Thompson was staying to start heading back to New York with him, only to find the agent shot down and dying in her arms. Once again, grief started to eat away at her, but at least she could manage it better this time with her friends.

Not long after, Howard had called Peggy and Vicky, telling them that would be coming to work with him and Phillips as founders of SHIELD. The SSR formed into the organization and the mission to protect the United States was born with SHIELD. But yet, there were still threats out there, and the first thing the new organization did made Vicky question everything: Operation Paperclip -- recruiting the scientists of Nazi Germany into SHIELD in order to prevent their intelligence from getting into the hands of the Soviet Union. It was a clear red flag from Vicky at the start, especially when she spotted Arnim Zola among them.

Pulling her friends aside, she talked to them on the matter. "This isn't a good idea...especially recuritting Arnim Zola of all people! You do know he worked for the Red Skull as HYDRA's lead scientist?!" She felt like she was going to be sick to her stomach.

"I understand that Agent Rogers, but we need their kind of intelligence to help us. Besides, this will be good rehabilitation for them, especially since we all will be keeping a close eye on them." Phillips remarked, trying to make her see the reason they were doing this. It was to help everyone.

Vicky glanced at Peggy and Howard, wanting to hear what they had to say about this. Howard cleared his throat, giving her his usual lopsided smile. "Don't worry, Vic, they won't get past us without our knowing."

Watching the others walk off, knowing she had lost this one, Peggy suddenly put an arm around Vicky. "I don't trust them either, but if they try to pull anything, we will stop them. Besides, I think Phillips likes intimidating Zola. Just remind them of who they are working for."

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