Chapter 25: The Time Heist - PART 1

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CHAPTER SUMMARY: The Avengers remain unsuccessful in stopping Thanos and fixing things as 5 years pass for everyone. However, Scott Lang comes giving a spark of hope for them with a crazy plan involving Time Travel.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Just expect heartache and dark themes in this chapter. That's all I can say. It's ENDGAME, after all.

Everlasting Love from Brooklyn

Chapter 25: The Time Heist - PART 1

After the Battle of Wakanda, the members that were left of the Avengers had returned back to the New Avengers Facility in New York, trying to run a tally of how many people were lost in the devastation following Thanos Snap. Steve had brought his unconscious sister inside as Bruce set up a medical room for her when she would wake.

Before they left Wakanda, Steve had her checked over for injuries with the others, realizing that if she had been with a child before, it was no longer the case now. The doctor's assumed that the child was another casualty of the Snap. The initial shock to her system from the sudden pain of the loss rendered Vicky unconscious.

Steve was currently in the room, resting his head against the side of the bed as he sat in the chair waiting for his little sister to wake. Blue orbs started to scan the environment she was in, spotting her older brother resting beside her in an uncomfortable position. "S-Stevie?" Her voice was raspy.

Immediately, he jolted awake, looking at her with wide eyes and a small smile. "Hey Vic, how are you feeling?"

"Like I got hit by a semi-truck, but I'm doing okay." Vicky observed her surroundings, trying to make sense of everything. She was in a medical room of sorts, but had no idea where. It didn't look like Wakanda. And most importantly... "I had a weird dream. Where's Bucky?"

Steve felt his throat constrict, giving his sister a confused look. She was probably still in shock over everything that happened. He grabbed her hand, ready to break it to her easily. "Vic..."

"Tell me where he is, Steve!" she shouted.

The older brother frowned, knowing there was no other way to do this. "He was taken away when Thanos snapped..." He hesitated saying the next part, knowing it would be even more of a blow to her and she had already been through enough. "And so was your child."

Vicky suddenly felt numb, feeling like someone had come in and ripped the very beating heart from her chest. Her mind started to replay everything that happened in Wakanda, only reminding her of the harsh reality at hand: She had lost Bucky once again. He had been taken from her along with their child. Was this the universe's sick joke or something? Feeling the hot tears start to form in her eyes, she let out a deafening sob, causing what was left of the other Avengers to come rushing towards the room, checking on the siblings.

Steve quickly took his sister into his arms, comforting her as she let everything out. "Steve...I can't handle losing him again. Not this time. We were just starting a life together. It was all starting to work out for once..."

"I know, Vic, I know."

After Steve helped her, offering to bring food, the sister just wanted to remain by his side, daring to go out into the main room and see everyone. Coming across the casualty lists, Vicky sat down, taking it to memory as she watched all the people they knew who had been lost. Particular names stuck out to her the most: Maria, Nick, Shuri, T'Challa, Wanda, Sharon, Sam and especially, Bucky.

Hugging her knees, she focused on his picture longer, feeling the tears start to fall again. Noticing what she was up to, Steve started to come to her side. "We're going to get them back, I promise. We're already doing everything we can to find Thanos."

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