Chapter 10: The Devastating Blow - PART 1

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CHAPTER SUMMARY: The SSR has finally caught up to Peggy and Vicky, causing both women to go on the run and fight despite enemies putting a target on their heads.

Everlasting Love from Brooklyn

Chapter 10: The Devastating Blow - PART 1

Vicky was surprised by Peggy the next morning who had developed a hunch about who could have stolen Howard's weapons from the vault. After visiting Russia and coming across a school where they were training young girls to become undercover operatives, the agent started to think that maybe the person they were looking for was a woman.

Being dragged along, Vicky joined Peggy and Jarvis, visiting a jewelry store and gathering a list of all the women Howard had dated to try and find the target they were looking for. However, this meant they would have to visit all the women on the list, making Vicky sigh.

As the women got out of the car, making their way to visit the first women on the list, Peggy glanced over to Jarvis, still sitting in the car nervously. "Aren't you coming?"

"I thought I might sit this one out, actually."

"I need you to positively identify these women. Stop dawdling and come along."

Seeing the frightened state Jarvis was in, Vicky could only guess his reasoning for not joining them. "Let me guess, Howard would have you do the dirty work when he declared it to be over." The butler nodded. "Yeah, smart to avoid the fury of a woman."

Peggy sighed, rolling her eyes as the women continued on, the butler finally getting out of the car to run alongside them. "We're not having dinner with these women. I just need to see their wrists."

"You're looking for the bracelet?"

"Not quite. The girl in Russia had scars on her wrists from being cuffed to the bed. If my theory is correct, our spy will have those same scars."

Jarvis sighed. "Surely you could devise a way to see these women's wrists without involving me."

Peggy exchanged a smile with Vicky. "Maybe, but it would be more complicated and less fun. Come along, Mr. Jarvis."

The team began to visit all the women on the list, hearing the same, angry words towards their friend, not expecting anything different from the playboy billionaire. All the women were rightfully mad at him.

"No, I haven't seen Howard Stark, and I don't want to. He's a no-good, dirty, low-down snake."

"As if he could buy me off with a trinket. I'm not that kind of girl."

"If I did that, if any girl did that, you know what people would call her?"

"A floozy, that's what. He should be shamed. He should be judged, and so should you for helping him. Tell him if I ever see him just scatting about town, I'm gonna show him the business end of this!"

Poor Mr. Jarvis would get the bad end of their fury though, getting slapped by the women he had to reject for his boss, leaving Peggy and Vicky trying to stop their attacks-- which didn't work, resulting in the butler limping down the sidewalk with them, his face stinging from being slapped so many times. Vicky was quick to help him the best she could.

"Well, Mr. Stark would seem to have an unfortunate attraction to violent women." The butler commented.

"I imagine they were far less violent before they met him." Peggy remarked.

Looking up from the list, Vicky spoke. "Ida Emke is next, and she lives close by."

"Yes, a dancer he met at a charity auction, I believe."

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