Chapter 11: The Devastating Blow - PART 2

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CHAPTER SUMMARY: Captured and considered to be working as traitor's to the SSR, Vicky and Peggy must continue to fight, trying to stop the true enemies under their noses: Leviathan.

The end result leads to a deadly turn of events for everyone involved.

Everlasting Love from Brooklyn

Chapter 11: The Devastating Blow - PART 2

"You're awfully quiet. I wouldn't want to talk either, if I was in your shoes. We have photos of you and Carter at Spider Raymond's club, a witness placing you in a truck full of Nitramene, another witness who says you were at the boat where Stark hid all of his toys. Then there's the dead bodies. Spider Raymond, Leet Brannis, Ray Krzeminski."

Looking up from the photos, Vicky shot Thompson a look. "If you're assuming we killed these men, much less Agent Krzeminski then you're more wrong about Peggy and I than you know."

The blonde agent couldn't help but chuckle dryly. "Am I? You know, I thought highly of you, even before I found out you were the Cap's kid sister. I had your back for six months, while you were waiting to plant a knife in mine. What? You want to pretend we're still friends? We're pals? You want to talk? Talk about this." He said, picking up the device with Steve's blood, knowing it was something important to her just from her expressions.

"Jack, Peggy and I are NOT your enemies! You're wasting time interrogating us here while the true traitor's are out there, planning something and getting away with it!" Vicky yelled, trying to make him see the direness of the situation.

Thompson sighed, finding he was getting nowhere with this. Leaving the room, he went to go address his boss, who had brought Doctor Ivchenko with him, practically having the man glued to his side. This raised suspicion in the agent, but Dooley was quick to dismiss it. "I'm gonna put you back in there for the full press. We need to turn up the heat."

Now both of the women were being interrogated by all three of the men, coming at them with different angles: friendship, fatherly disappointment and betrayal. Both women took the punches as they came with ease, not willing to back down or give in.

"I expected better from Captain America's sister." Dooley expressed.

"I can't believe Captain America's sister is working with a traitor of the country." Sousa said, shaking his head.

But it was Thompson's words that got to Vicky more than anything. "Something's not right here. I saw what you did in Russia. What you did for that mission, what you did for me? You saved my life. This doesn't add up."

"It's because you know I am right, Jack. Peggy and I have nothing to do with Krzeminski's death or the theft of Howard Stark's inventions."

Thompson chuckled dryly, not surprised to hear her defending Stark's name. "'Theft'? Wow, he's really got you wrapped around his finger, doesn't he? I got to give it to him. He's as good as they say."

"What do you mean?"

"He got in so deep, he scrambled your brain."

Vicky chuckled now, finding that ridiculous. "I am not so easily undone by Howard Stark-"

Thompson interrupted her, slamming his hands down on the table, trying his best to intimidate her. "Come off it, Rogers. There is no harm in admitting that he and you have a thing going on, or had. Because from the look of it, Stark's hung you out to dry." Despite the judging looks or accusations or her racing heart, Vicky tried her best to remain calm, doing this for no one other than Steve and Bucky. She had to remain strong and not give in. Noticing Thompson glance back to the window for Dooley's approval, he continued. "Listen to me. You need to make a deal. Stark is the one we want. Just tell us about him. Save yourself."

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