Chapter 16: The Killer Game

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CHAPTER SUMMARY: Fury has died and the Rogers siblings are put on a manhunt with everyone out to kill them. However, they find everything leading them back to their roots once again, realizing it's been HYDRA behind it the whole time. Some hard truth's come to the surface as Vicky is more determined to put an end to the Winter Soldier once and for all.

Everlasting Love from Brooklyn

Chapter 16: The Killer Game

Vicky had broken the news to Natasha, informing her of what happened to Fury and the hospital they were currently watching him be operated at. The sight of the director laying there on the operation table, currently fighting for his life, only brought memories of the war back for her. This was all her fault because she couldn't stop the Winter Soldier.

Steve's eyes were glued to the window, watching the doctor's work on saving Fury as Vicky was pacing back and forth in the room with anxiety, trying to figure out what to do next: go after the man who did this or stay and watch how this plays out?

Just then, Natasha burst through the door, running to see the scene herself. "Is he gonna make it?"

"I don't know."

"Tell me about the shooter."

"He's fast and strong. Had a metal arm."

Maria Hill entered the room, appearing beside them as she watched from the window. "Ballistics?" asked Natasha.

"Three slugs, no rifling. Completely untraceable."


"Yeah." Hill replied sadly.

The heart-monitor started to warn the doctor's that Fury was deteriorating, causing Vicky to finally look back at the window in shock with them, holding her breath. In that moment the guards waiting outside came in as everyone watched with nervous anticipation to see what would happen to the Director. He began to flatline, causing the doctor's to get ready to use the defibrillator.

"Don't do this to me, Nick." Natasha said with worry.

The doctor's started to shock him, receiving no pulse. Again and again they tried, but to no resolve. Everyone else was watching silently with tears. Vicky couldn't take it anymore, not able to watch them call his time of death, rushing from the room as she burst out crying.

It was her fault Fury was dead and now she was more determined than ever to take out this Winter Soldier once and for all. Steve started to go after his sister, but stopped at the door, glancing at the flash drive Fury had given him, wondering what to do with it.

While Steve went to comfort Natasha over seeing Fury's body, saying her final goodbyes, Vicky couldn't bring herself to, having had far enough of death in her life. She was sitting in the lobby silently crying, hugging her knees to her chest as she still tried to formulate a plan. That was when she spotted Rumlow coming through the lobby. She jolted up from the chair, looking at the STRIKE leader who approached her with concern. He could tell from the look of her alone that Fury had died. "Agent Rogers, they want you and your brother back at SHIELD."

Vicky's eyes narrowed wet with tears, remembering Fury's words about SHIELD being compromised. "May I ask why?"

Before he could respond, the commotion between Natasha and Steve were heard as they were coming out of the room they had been in. "Why was Fury in your apartment?"

"I don't know." Steve lied.

The two paused, seeing Rumlow talking with Vicky. Seeing the nervous look on his sister's face he knew something was wrong. "Cap, they want you and your sister back at SHIELD."

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